Bristol Under the Lights!



I love Bristol. This is the race when all frustrations are taken out. I predict Kyle Busch will see the wall cuz everyone hates him. He wont finish running?

Jr? He has run well here in the past, but who knows any more? I predict Joy Logano will finish ahead of Jr? I will be pulling for Martin also. How can you not like Mark? If Logano, Jr, or Martin wins it will be a good night. Smoke is just down right scary right now. Hope the 14 does not win though.

Should be fun watching!
I have got to ask how in the hell do you all watch that sh$t? Sorry Ty but that sh$t is boring! I would rather watch real housewives in NJ with my wife than a bunch of necks driving in circles (well maybe not but)! Now seriously how can you all stand to watch it? I dont get it!
Jr is in the top 5 now! Not many laps left!

"Now we come to the most important pre-season question. Do you just want to go elk hunting, or do you want to bring one back? If you desire the latter, there is no substitute for hard work. The bigger your goal, the harder the work required to get there. Good luck!" - Cameron R. Hanes
Jr haters have been pretty quite,they all must be on vacation, or trying to fling wooden sticks at something. hmmm nothing bad to say so they all disappear like the misinformed jokes they are.
The #88 finishes in 9th place and is 500 points out of the chase and you're crowing????!!!!

I'm glad you impress so easily . . .

Just like a sugary energy drink. The "high" lasts for a few minutes and then you crash.
not really, just wondering why the haters don't have nothing to say, looks like I drew one out of hiding, welcome back.
Apparently you didn't finish reading my post there 88. I will repeat it just for you.....this is a tough guy race not a pretty boy race. A fun race to watch but you know as well as I do that Junior can't avoid a good wreck. If he wins that would be great but I've got better odds winning the Kentucky Derby on my mule than Junior winning at Bristol!

It's always an adventure!!!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-09 AT 06:48PM (MST)[p]I don't recall junior getting in a wreck, Did i miss something. How then did kyle win if it was a mans race, He acts like he is 10 if he don't win or someone touches him. He looks like his mom drank a few brews while she was pregnant with him.

As I recall Jr. has won at Bristol, better tighten that saddle up tight on that azzzz of yours, it's going to be a hell of a ride. let'er buck!!

I was glad to see a top ten. However, what happened! He was 5th with 3 laps remaining and finished 9th? Not as stellar as it could have been but top 10 none the less.

Yes, the 20 car stunk.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-09 AT 08:50PM (MST)[p]I like Junior. I really do. But I, like so many others, am tired of the middle of the pack group. My hell, there are guys doing better than he is with half the money, car and crew he's got. He's a likable guy, but likable doesn't win races. Maybe his crew chief will take the govenor off for the next race. We'll see. SO he finished 9th. Like ktc said, what happened at the end of the race? Too nice! That's what happened. Hell he's still practicing the "right of way" on the race track. I can just hear him in the cockpit of that car...."oh, excuse me. I didn't mean to get in your way. Go ahead I'll move to the high side so you can pass down low. You too buddy go right ahead. We'll go have a beer afterward". I bet you would see his hand out the window waving them around if he could get it out there.

By the way, Mark Martin is a gentleman and a true racer. If the shoe would have been on the other foot, Busche would have spun him out and won. Martin could have easily spun him out on the last lap! Class act.

It's always an adventure!!!
This is my favorite race, I have been to this race many times. It is disappointing though, its not the race it used to be before the chase format and before they resurfaced the track.

I'm a junior fan and its been to painful to watch this season. I don't know what the heck happened on the last 3 laps, the camera was only on Martin/Busch, Junior restarted 5th and finished 9th! At the end I was like what the heck happened! & yes Busch would have dumped Martin!

I was at Bristol in 2004 when Jr won this race, it was awesome! He started around 25th, was leading after about 100 laps, he went on to lead about 325 of the 500 laps. He completely dominated that race, & that was on the old bumpy surface too! Ahh the good ol days :)

Jr's got the goods and 18 cup wins & 2 Busch Series Titles says he can drive, hope he can get out of this slump soon.

"Now we come to the most important pre-season question. Do you just want to go elk hunting, or do you want to bring one back? If you desire the latter, there is no substitute for hard work. The bigger your goal, the harder the work required to get there. Good luck!" - Cameron R. Hanes
I never said I hated JR.

All I ever said was, he ain't Sr.....and no ammount of hype, money and missplaced blame, will make him into senior.

I think I did say he was a DORK......haven't changed my opinion just because he slid into a top ten finish.

One more lap and he would have been 13th.

I do hope he gets into the chase. He will have to be way more aggressive and that will cause some serious paint swap and maybe keep the excitement level higher.

I wouldn't root for him, even if he came and mowed my lawn. All my inlaws are on the "JR wagon", so in order to maintain my azzhole status around here, I have to stay on his case.
Bristol under the light is the best race period. I miss the old Bristol with the old cars. More beating and banging.

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