Bringing your WIfe Hunting!!!



I was Wondering If You guys Bring your Wife Hunting?? Ive tried But get really sick of the Bitchen and I feel Bad Because I feel Like she is not enjoying it like I am!!! Any comments are appreciated!!
I would like my wife to try it once I have asked her to go but she just dosent want to.. I have no issues with that! she never gives me a hard time when I go either plus the kids always want to go also so its like a free pass!!
All she does is complain...she says your having fun and I'm not. She doesn't realize the dedication it takes to kill a monster muley or giant bull! She can be a real #####...I hope she doesn't see this. LOL.
>I was Wondering If You guys
>Bring your Wife Hunting??
>Ive tried But get really
>sick of the Bitchen and
>I feel Bad Because I
>feel Like she is not
>enjoying it like I am!!!
> Any comments are

It all starts with the interview, which you obviously didn't properly conduct.
Mine has gone with me since she was 18. She'll be 50 this year.

"Start'em young and train'em right."
I take my wife and kids along almost every time unless is going to be very cold, they love the camping and its great to see their smiles when you get something. But then she likes to hunt to, getting her a tag every few years is fine with her.
Sometimes I take my wife with me. Sometimes she takes me. We have hunted,Fly fished, Taught hunters ed,together for for 27 years.She hunts archery elk and small game with me and camps with me when I rifle and muzzle load. This year if I can get her a new rifle built she said she would like to try rifle deer again. I think both of us liking the same sports is a key to the "27 year" statement.

"Can the liberties of a nation be secure, when we have removed the conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?"
?Thomas Jefferson
If she doesn't like it, don't sweat it. Some hunt, some like spending hours in clothing stores. Mine has never had an interest in hunting, but fully supports my hunting. I support her in other things that I've no interest in. It works for us. As long as you've passion for each other, its okay if you don't share other passions.
I'll need a picture before even considering taking your wife hunting with me......

Genghis Khan raped so many women that 1 in 200 people today carry his genes..
We have a good balance. My wife used to hunt some many years ago when her brother had some property that was great for does and freezer bucks but doesn't care to any more. However, she loves to be in camp for at least opening weekend or up to about 3 days max. Works out well where she and the kids are in camp (kids both hunting the first 2-3 days)for the opening weekend, then she takes them home so they can get back to classes. That leaves me some private time by myself or with my hunting buddies for the rest of the season. One of the coolest things is that when I get an elk down, she loves to hike to it and will skin and take it apart for packing while I start packing the first load out. Works great. She's even driven over 100 miles back to camp (more than once)so she could help with the butchering.
My g/f is too tiny to pull close to legal bow hunting weight, plus she is not keen on hunting. However, she does accompany me turkey hunting each spring. It's easy because she just sits in my ground blind. Sometimes there's more action inside the blind than outside. She carries gear like a rented mule too. It's all good.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
You never Learn do you Zim?

You think you wanna take My Hi- Capacity Magazines & Assault Rifles Huh?
Just Try taking My American Pride/Rights!

It's been a long hard ride
And I won't lose hope
This is still the place
That we all call home
My wife will tag along once in a while. I always take it easy when she comes along. She is a better shot than I am, so going bird hunting is her favorite. She wants to kill a bigger deer than her brother so we have been putting her in for a LE tag.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
I didn't ask my wife to marry me until we were sitting around a fire prior to her 1st Kaibab deer hunt, she doesn't always go with me, but has become a great hunting partner when she does! It's cool cause her family got me into river running and my family got her into hunting!
"All she does is complain...she says your having fun and I'm not. She doesn't realize the dedication it takes to kill a monster muley or giant bull! She can be a real #####...I hope she doesn't see this. LOL."

Too funny! This can NOT be a serious post! Thanks for the laugh on a dull Saturday morning..... ;-)


My wifes just the opposite. she gripes me out for not splitting the tags where here 50/50. She is right with me on most hunts in the field unless we cant find a baby sitter. Its finally got to the point that I just plan every other hunt for her. This year she bought me the most single expensive one animal hunt I will ever have been on. I feel so bad I decided to make it up to her and booked her the dream hunts shes always wanted. For some reason a 5foot 120lb girl thinks she needs to shoot a kodiak island brown bear. Lets just say shes a hunting freak. And I like it. were best friends
>My g/f is too tiny to
>pull close to legal bow
>hunting weight, plus she is
>not keen on hunting.
>However, she does accompany me
>turkey hunting each spring.
>It's easy because she just
>sits in my ground blind.
> Sometimes there's more action
>inside the blind than outside.
> She carries gear like
>a rented mule too.
>It's all good.

This statement doesn't really help your perception on here Zim. You know that, right?

What website did you find her on?

Ohhh - there is just so much to be said here, but it would totaly highjack this thread. Another day.

Here is my opinion - unless your wife is accustomed to hunting the way you are, then you need to go about things a whole lot differently. You need to go out of your way to make it a memorable experience for her, make it more about her than about you, or the hunt itself at least at first. This can change for her over time when she realizes the complexities of it and decides to really challenge herself. This might mean you change your goals for the outcome of the hunt, and your expectations will need to be different. If you can make it a great experience, one of two things are going to happen. Either she will expect all hunting experiences to be like that one, or she will eventually warm up to your more rustic hunting style and you will know how you have to hunt with her in the future.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
Some women are better suited to a beach front condo than a backpack bivy! I don't believe forcing hunting on a wife or child is helpful for anyone.
My wife hunted before we got married and occasionally she went with me early on in our marriage. But now she wants nothing to do with it, and I am fine with that, especially since my son loves hunting and is my favorite hunting companion.
I recently took her to Hawaii and that was a much more tolerable location for her than a hunting camp. I always try to give her space and she reciprocates.
I will probably do more condo trips with her in the future, perhaps as pay back for her putting up with me being gone in the fall for three decades.
my wife still likes to hunt and loves to camp even more. i will plan a hunt around her and her needs most years, more low key and not alot of pressure. she has killed some good bucks and is fun to watch her get excited and shaky lol
but to LBH's point she does like the more traditional vacation spots
I have been married 4 times, two hunted two didn't. I for one enjoyed it and the two who went enjoyed it as well and made some good kills. The issue I found was a decision and balance had to be made to find the enjoyment for both. I had to relax and hunt easy and close to camp. I had to go out be back by noon to have lunch then take her in the evening. So with those two I found a balance that worked for both of us. Now on the down side one of them went everywhere with me all the time in the wood making sneaking impossible. It also didn't provide me any mountain alone time I really wanted. It also infringed on my son and my relationship. So it was challenging at best with her. Overall I like the wife to go and if I have to adjust to please her fine. I always believed hunting was a family hobby and way of life surprisingly I found out the wife thought she was part of the family thru me off....
Glad we finally had grandkids, so she wouldn't go anymore. She always draws the best tags, kept killing bigger bucks and bulls than me, and I was getting tired of packing her stuff out. She refers to them as "hot chocolate" hunts - drives around drinking hot chocolate, takes lots of naps, and when I yell" There they are", she jumps out and kills something! Gotta admit, she is cuter than my other hunting partner tho!
This is my wifes christmas ornament, it spains everything louad and clear. When I go hunting, I leave her at the door.

I think it depends on what the two of you are willing to do while hunting. For example if you are the die hard bust your ass type hunter you wouldn't team up with another hunting partner that likes to sleep in and drive around in his truck. Same thing applies to your wife. You need to be of the same type or at least willing to compromise other wise one or both of you is going to be miserable.

My EB of an ex is not a good example, she hated me for going hunting, wouldn't come with but loved the meat I would bring home??? No possible win solution there, guess that is why she is an EX.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
My wife hunts with me, both rifle and bow seasons, she doesn't really like rifle hunting, so most emphasis is put on bow season. She has been bow hunting for eight years and has yet to take an animal, she is a real trooper. I do hunt "easier" when she's with me, but easier is a relative term.

She definately is not as passionate as I am about it, but there are very few women who are truly even interested in participating in their husband, or boyfriend's adventures, whether it's hunting, fishing, camping, snowmachining, or whatever we as men can come up with for fun.

I appreciate the fact that she tries, get's up at whatever time I deem necessary to connect with our chosen prey, hikes with me for miles, and never complains about it. She is actually my favorite hunting partner, and my best friend. We have been together for almost 20 years, and I truly enjoy every moment we get to spend with each other. (Not kissing up, just the truth)

I really feel bad for those who struggle with this issue, this is my second marriage, and my ex was the biggest nightmare. She wanted no part of it, but didn't want me to do it either. Every time I read or hear about things like this, it really makes me appreciate what I have.....

Hope it's not too sappy, just my .02, and the truth...
WapitiBob has it right. Conduct a pre-marriage interview. If you are not married or you screwed up the first time, heed this advice. Remember "pre-marriage hunting interview" when she's trying to seduce you. . .

After it's been established that you can, indeed, go hunting often, don't take you're wife hunting if you don't want her to go (yes, this should be the case sometimes) and/or if she doesn't want to go (hopefully this is the case sometimes).

If she was truthful in the interview, those other times can be a lot of fun. . . If she wasn't, divorce her.
I conducted a 'hunting interview' back in 1983, before I got married. I took my then fiance on a 24 day safari to Zimbabwe, and bought her a 5 day hunt as part of the deal. It went splendidly, I had a fantastic safari, and she shot a real nice sable, kudu and impala. The best part of the deal....

...she got chased up a tree by a cape buffalo! :)
I took my wife and 4 year old son on a archery mule deer hunt this year. Just an afternoon hunt but it was a blast. My wife and son got to watch to big bulls (living where no elk should be living) push eachother around. We spotted a few nice deer. They watched a blown stalk. In the end it was more of a hike than a hunt but fun for all. I also took them scouting for elk. They went on the long hikes to see where I would be hunting. They loved it. We took a picnic and ate on the way in. We also went back a few times later in the year to pick wild strawberries. In the end it helped her understand why I like to hunt. Now they are looking forward to scouting (the wild strawberries) this next year.
I have asked my gf. but she isn't interested and thats ok with me. I really enjoy getting out with just the guys during hunting season. She and I do everything else together. It works great for us.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
I've been married for two years. My wife has killed a buck both years here in UT and in WY. She is excited as heck to get out after a cow elk here soon.

I bought her a shotgun for christmas and the first thing she said "Does this mean I get to rabbit hunt with you now?"

I make sure to find hunts that are to her liking like warm weather, little hikes...etc. She went duck hunting one time and it was horrible weather. I try to keep her excited about hunts to keep her interested. I get more excited and more buck fever than she does!
My wife grew up in a hunting family but has zero desire to go and I have zero desire for her to be there. We are both happy about it.

I go shopping for horn porn as she calls it and she goes shopping for bargains, remember, everthing is a bargain.

I even offered to take her to South Africa and Botswana and not only got told no, but absolutely not. She does want to go to New Zealand at some point when I go hunting and she will go sight seeing.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-12 AT 08:37PM (MST)[p]"This statement doesn't really help your perception on here Zim. You know that, right?"

Roy, Don't know what is wrong with my post. My g/f weighs 98# and can only pull 25# on her Diamond Edge bow. So she can't hunt with me, but we do shoot 3D tournaments together. And yes she hauls our pop-up blind plus 15# of gear 2 miles on our turkey hunts. She would not have it any other way. But I told her next year I got a more accessible spot where I can just haul all our gear out on a deer cart. She will probably insist on pulling it though.

One other great thing is she never complains no matter how long I'm gone hunting. This year I was gone over a month straight on a NH moose then Iowa deer hunt. No problem. She has a job downtown to keep her busy.

Glad to see some here that found gals that hunt. They are few and far between in the Chicago burbs! Wish mine did.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
My wife likes to camp while we hunt. I love having her along and it's nice to have her there at camp when we return (meals, company, etc). That being said, I also like getting away with the guys and having that quality time with them (sons, father, close friends). She knows and understands the value of this type of quality time I get with my boys. Can't be matched!

Works for us and she is very understanding and tolerant of my adventures.

I spent over a month this year chasing elk away from home and she was great about it.

I also take her on other vacations with just her and sometimes with the family. I have taken her to Hawaii and we are taking the kids there this next spring. I think it's a compromise and as long as we support each other in our desires and hobbies then all is good.

She does want to go to Africa with me though and I am excited about that. She said she will hunt a couple days with me but then she wants to sight see and shop!

Like I said, compromise and life is good, at least for me :)

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
As an outfitter, my wife cooks for hunters, cleans up after them and listens to WAY TOO MANY hunting stories. So when the season is over, she wants some space away from hunting. But she's a trooper and will still go with me. We have an old (1968 model) camper trailer and she loves to stay in it with me, and she really likes tent camping, too. She hunts some and is a very good shot (but slow) and hikes well, too. She has quiet feet and knows how to stay out of sight and be still.

In short, she's great to be around and goes with me some, but not every time. We do other things together too, and she is my best friend. She's coming to SLC for the EXPO in February and likes it about as much as me.

Anyway, we share about everything and have been at it for over 30 years (married 30 years in April) so things are working. But I knew before I married her what she was and she knew darned well shat she was getting, too.
Obviously,if "all she does is complain",she must not enjoy hunting.Leave her home.

Mine has never hunted.She used to go for the camping,but doesn't even do that anymore.It's all good.She loves the meat,though,and does a fine job in the kitchen!
Its hard to make someone like something that they don't like. Did you have an idea of her feelings towards hunting before marrying her? Don't feel bad about it, just enjoy your moments and share your stories. She might appreciate that more, but I don't know. I know I would hate dragging my wife or anyone along if all they did was complain.

For me, I knew hunting was a huge part of my life and I wanted a life partner that either enjoyed hunting with me or didn't have a problem with me hunting. I was picky and many women never met the grade. When I was dating my wife, I knew I had something special. She went cow elk hunting 2 days after getting her appendix removed. Then I took her on a long stalk in deep snow up a mountain to kill a cow elk, little did we know that she was fighting bronchitis and spent the next week getting better at home. She comes from a big hunting family and actually has killed a Paunsaugunt buck and has another great buck mounted whereas I have not killed anything bigger than a 3-point. She killed her buck this year while being 7 months pregnant and had to hike almost 5 miles round trip to get her buck. She will draw a LE Elk tag before I do and is now interested in getting into archery hunting so we spend more time together. I definitely married up in life but I wouldn't settle for anything less to begin with. I guess I'd just say make the best of all your other moments with your wife and keep the hunting to yourself. Good luck!


My wife hunts but is not a hardcore hunter.

With that said, she will do whatever is required to get the job done including the tough chores. I've never heard her complain while hunting or camping even when we're backpacking!

She's one tough chick and I'm lucky to have her as my wife for the past 35+ years!

I always tell my wife I'm adding up all the hours she makes me go shopping with her, and in October I will be asking her to join me hunting for that same amount of hours... She never agress to it.

That being said, she has hunted with me, archery deer, and she had a great time. Its harder now with little kids. But when we are a little older, I'm sure she will be fine to go hunting again...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I will take my wife with me sometimes. When ever I take her she tells me what I am doing wrong. I've hunted my entire life and she's never hunted, yet she knows more than I?? I hope she never decides to hunt, she would likely be better than me at that too!


>My wife hunts but is not
>a hardcore hunter.
>With that said, she will do
>whatever is required to get
>the job done including the
>tough chores. I've never heard
>her complain while hunting or
>camping even when we're backpacking!
>She's one tough chick and I'm
>lucky to have her as
>my wife for the past
>35+ years!

Hey Zeke?

You letting her go out on any Hunting Dates?:D:D:D

You think you wanna take My Hi- Capacity Magazines & Assault Rifles Huh?
Just Try taking My American Pride/Rights!

It's been a long hard ride
And I won't lose hope
This is still the place
That we all call home
My wife and I had our 30 year anniversary in December. She hunted with me when we was young but never really liked it. Seeing the buck hit the ground at close range was too much. She has been a great support over the years. Every once in awhile I have to remind her that I was over an hour late to our first three dates because I was chasing pheasants. She knows what dark 30 means to. She loves the meat and dives in and helps. Most of the 20+ elk and lots of deer have been cut up on the kitchen table. Oh did I forget to say she is gorgeous, and she likes me. :) Ps I do use her for points, and she knows.

When we got married, I let my wife any vacations we went on would be hunting.

She had never shot a gun in her life.

20 years later she has done real well.

This year alone she killed 2 oryx, 1 bull elk, 2 nice muleys.






This was everything she killed in 2012
Took my wife out and taught her how to shoot while we were dating. Wouldn't you know it, her being a California girl, she had never shot a gun! Who would a' thunk it?
Took her on her first deer hunt while dating. She loves the thrill and goes with me and my boys every chance she gets. It's a blast having the whole family involved.
My wife is a fair weather hunter! She loves spring bear hunting, but that is about it!

"No Guts, No Story!"
My wife enjoys hunting, but is not obsessed with it and knows her limits. She likes to only hunt when it's warm, and only for a couple hours, no all day stuff. It just really annoys me when she shoots something bigger than me. :)
My wife is a b also I don't take her unless I effing have to.......stupid mean ass!! All you guys that bring your girl hunting are crazy!! I don't bring mine unless I have to because she won't shut the f up about spending time together that b!!!
>My wife is a b also
>I don't take her unless
>I effing have to.......stupid mean
>ass!! All you guys that
>bring your girl hunting are
>crazy!! I don't bring
>mine unless I have to
>because she won't shut the
>f up about spending
>time together that b!!!

LOL, I never said my wife was not a pain in the azz. There are some good things about it and bad things.

I get to go on twice as many hunts.

Well you covered it.
Yes I covered it. Anybody who brings there wife honestly has a problem Hunting time = me time. Shopping time= her damn time!! And I hate it. Cause guess what hunting season is not long enough shopping season is gd 365 days a gd year!!!
Tx-hunter I have a problem I'm a narracist. I've been told more then once but my wife understands. Somewhat. If I have to bring her hunting I will. But I'll hate it every damn second of it Do you enjoy her out there, can you go as far or as long when shes there, no you can't Your stuck to mostly road hunting right? Because you think that you do not want to hurt her feelings You don't want her to wear out while you know the next draw might hold there deer you are after, but instead you turn around ruining your chances and road hunting the rest of the day lucky to see a few does and a gd forked horn
Depends on the wife. Not all are gonna be into it.

There are downsides, but, there are lots more upsides.

I like hunting with my son most of all, but, would still rather hunt with my wife than just about anyone else.

I like hunting by myself at times as well.
I have guys that have trouble keeping up with me in the moutains! But that said, one of the best memories I have on a hunt was the first time I was able to get my wife in the moutains and hear a bull bugling 100 yards away. She was shaking with excitement and kept saying: "is that really a real elk"? She believed it once she saw him!


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I tested my wife while dating as i said before. At the time, i told her you better start running and walking to get ready. We will not be in sight of roads, and I like to hike up to 10-12 miles in a day of hunting back in Eastern Montana. Hike into an area where nobody goes and glass. If i don't like what I see, I move a mile or two and do it all over again and come back to the truck in the dark. She stuck it out the whole way. Now we have been married for awhile and she still goes up and helps bring elk out of the mountains and helps with spotting.
My goes with me and does everything but pull the trigger. She even helps me skin and pack out. She enjoys glassing and really tries to find game.

Some of you have great wife's it seems... That being said I hope to divorce mine and find one just like you!! :)
My wife is from a little podunk town in East Texas with a population of about 300. Hunting is pretty much a religion in the area. She loves going to the mountains and we usually try to make a cpl trips a year. This year while I was gone to Colorado helping out in a deer hunt, she was back home hunting and texting me updates of what all she was seeing. She's a good woman and I have no complaints about her.
H_264Codec (43 posts)
Jan-11-13, 08:21 PM (MST)
56. "RE: Bringing your WIfe Hunting!!!"
Some of you have great wife's it seems... That being said I hope to divorce mine and find one just like you!!

***Yep, I'll bet all your problems are being caused by the little woman in your life, LOL!!!
My wife gets mad if i go without her. She loves hunting just as much as i do, this year she was refreshing the nevada tag result page every 2 seconds if that puts it in perspective. She drew 2 tags here one being a bull elk tag, only thing bad is she was gona be 7 months pregnant and refused to turn tag in. We did get her a bull and with the miles we walked never complained once. My 5 year old daughter is the same way everytime we go out she gets mad because she wants to kill something haha hope my newborn is the same way
My Favorite Picture of Kelly-

She thought I was a schmuck for hunting when we first started going out......22 years later she runs JFWRC and BS's with the best of you.


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