Bringing Meat Home



Anyone have any ideas on the best way to get you game back home when flying to hunt? so far the best senario that I have experienced was to ship your gear back home UPS ground and take your meat back with you on the plane and pay the extra bag fee. as of now though the "extra bag fees" are climing rapidly.

Any advice on a better way would be greatly appriciated...

Drive out and hunt and bring Ice Chests and then pack with Dry Ice for the trip home.

Thanks Brian. We are trying to avoid the 25 hour drive one way though. If we have to drive then we have to drive.....Just woundering if anyone has any alternitives that we have not thought about..

You can donate some to the Feeding the hungry type programs in the state you are hunting, may cut doen one the weight some.
Next day air would be about as expensive as overweight baggage so thats about all the options you have.
I would ship all personal gear home with UPS and then bring 2 or 3 ice chests, 2 checked and one small one as carry-on. you will still have horns/antlers to deal with unless you have a local taxidermist take care of that for you.

anouther thought may be to have a local processor cut and wrap and mail the meat to you???
Eat it on the spot!

25 hours one way....WTF, do you like, live in Hawaii?

If you don't want to do the drive, then you have to fork it over.

We go thru this every year. From Ca up to Wyoming, S.Dakota and Colorado.

Ice it down in the bathtub of the fith wheel and head for home. We usually lay over one night in Utah and always still make it home with ice.

Never tried the dry ice thing.
Yeah, some will be eaten on the spot!

Long way from western PA to Casper WY. We are considering flying out and driving home... looks like the best option at this point.

Have driven before and the dry ice works very well.
When we go to Alaska:
-We buy clothes that are CHEAP.
-We take our clothes up in coolers.
-We throw the clothing and some gear away at the end of the trip
-We pack the fish in the cooler and load on the plane.

You cannot use Dry Ice on airplanes, so we have it flash frozen the day we load up to come home.

Good luck!
I drive 28 hours, one way. Been doing it for 4 years now. That's with a 2 hour stop.
I leave at 9:00 am and am hunting by 4:00 the next afternoon.

I wouldn't fly for love or money.
Thanks for all of your ideas... I'm sure we'll figure it out... I will post what we ended up doing this October.


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