Bring on the Summer


Long Time Member
Super model Catrinel Menghia.



If your going to post pics like this, at least post healthy looking girls, not these scrawny, sickly runway models that starve and purge themselves to stay skinny.....yuck!!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-11 AT 06:08PM (MST)[p]Slamdunk, she's far from sickly and she's definitely no runaway.

When the top of the arm is the same diameter as the forearm, well that's just not a healthy look in my eyes.
Those girls starve themselves, it's very obvious to see that.
When your that skinny and have no muscle tone, yet are still 20% bodyfat....that's not "healthy".

Post up some pics of Erin Stern or Jamie Eason and lets see what the boys on here think ;-)
Slam, Can I have you're culls? LMAO


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I'm with slam on this one. She just doesn't do it for me. Lot's of photoshop cleaning up on these ones too.
Is this the same Slammy who thinks this skeletal, famished woman is the hottest thing in Hollywood? Check out them bones coming off her shoulders that are supposed to be arms.

>When the top of the arm
>is the same diameter as
>the forearm, well that's just
>not a healthy look in
>my eyes.
>Those girls starve themselves, it's very
>obvious to see that.
>When your that skinny and have
>no muscle tone, yet are
>still 20% bodyfat....that's not "healthy".
>Post up some pics of Erin
>Stern or Jamie Eason and
>lets see what the boys
>on here think ;-)

I had to goggle the names slamdunk mentioned . I'm kinda scared of the pics of Erin Stern . She looks like she could break most guys in two if she was mad . The Eason gal looks pretty tasty . Most of the pics I saw wouldn't pass the 50 % rule though . She has a good balance of some muscle with out being too muscle bound .

The Erin Stern gal could come in handy though when I'm stackin 10 tons of hay 7 or 8 bales high . LOL

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