Bring back the cat


He has paid his dues right? This sight is a lot better off with him here. SO WHAT DO YA SAY FOUNDER? Both of you guys buck up and find some middle ground ok? I miss the kitty cat not sure the ins and outs but the guy sure stuck around for a bit.How about a tenth life??? All due respect Founder.


The person taking this picture asked bobcat when he was gonna come back to MM. I think the look speaks for itself!


He said something about angel beroni standing on a peace symbol and his deer avatar sent founder over the edge.??? I personally think founder should send on pm as a gesture of good will, wouldn't hurt right? He went overboard a while back and was on the war path and now it seems as if mm is back to its normal self with all the feleno chicks and what not. So why not just descretely send bessy a white flag and bring that whining SOB back to the forums. We all miss high mountain tune up conversations ROFL!
One thing you gotta understand about bobcats! They can be among you and you never know they're there. Sly devils, they are.

The original, unadulterated Bobcatbess would be good to have back though!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
LMAO Feleno


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
how much is he paying you rug?
bessy standing there reminds me of the little kid who wanted hang with the big kids(man I got in so much trouble giving him ex-lax!).

LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-09 AT 09:37AM (MST)[p]I do miss the cat for entertainment but my ears don't hurt so bad without all the cap lock yelling!
Ditto Rack,

I believe Bess is reincarnated and is back among us.

Thanks for your patience, Brother and Sisters.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-08-09 AT 11:53PM (MST)[p]>Ditto Rack,
>I believe Bess is reincarnated and
>is back among us.
>Thanks for your patience, Brother and

No that you mention it, I think I heard a youngster say somthing like that.

No UPPER CASE yelling insults.

all lower case insults.


I personally think anyone with more than 2k should be makes it more fun for us little guys.


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