Brid Hunters beware.



I'm posting thread on this website because this is where it started. Two years ago I wanted a registered AKC female Viszla. I got a response saying a certain gentlemen from the Orem/Provo had a litter and arrangements were made to pick up the dog in Salt Lake. I picked up my pup paid a total of 300.00 dollars for her. At the time she didn't have her papers, I questioned it and this individual who was just dropping the dog off said the papers were on the owner's table. I gave him my address and told him to ship them too me.
That was 2 years ago. After numerous phone calls and emails still no papers. I always got an excuse of I"m waiting on the AKC or I'll mail them in a week. I called this individual today and he told me that it wasn't going to happen. That I wasn't going to get my papers. He was rude and basically a huge A**hole. I told him I wanted to do something about my payment for a promised AKC registered Viszla. He told me good luck and hung up the phone on me.
I am warning everyone in the dog business out there. This man's name is Jon Hinkley. I think he is from the Orem area now. He is a rude, lying, arrogant man who has no morales or ethics. His dogs ARE NOT AKC REGISTERED so do not deal with him. Watch out for Jack A**'s like him. Make sure your puppy is there with the papers besides it when you purchase a so called Registered pup........................................
Jon, I hope you read this...... You worthless lying sack.
I hate thieves.
I'm sorry you were taken advantage of.
What goes around comes around. Hopefully 10 fold for ass hats.

We need more frountier justice. where i grewup if you stole from the locker room you got your *ss kicked by one or more. By the time your an adult you had learned to be a contributing citizen or you had taken some serious beetings. The beatings can start now that we have a name. Sorry for your misfortune nontyp I hope he gets his.
nontypical, I'm sure you learned a lesson. Never by a pup or a horse unless you get your papers in your hand when you get your animal. I had to learn this lesson also, so your not alone. fatrooster.
I always say, papers don't make a dog a good hunter or friend. Its the time spent with the dog in the field. Shes a damn good dog. Sounds like Jon needs an a** beatin, say when????
I'm sure a few of the boys on here know him, Maybe they can give a pep talk and get him to step up to the plate or just beat him down.
I hear you all, thanks. Just makes me mad when someone lies and cheats you like that, and isn't even man enough to fess up to the truth. She's an awesome dog and member of the family.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-08 AT 00:52AM (MST)[p]Ditto my reply on your other post and "It ain't nothin to kick a man's a$$."

Good ole Roy D Mercer!!!!
Roy D Mercer? Holy crap!! I haven't heard that name in years. Is that skit still on the radio? Refresh my memory, Califelkslayer. What exactly was his MO? Would he call people up and harass them? I remember it was hilarious.


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