Brette Favre's wife : Against All Odds



Deanna, then 15, met Brett after school in 1983. After graduating from high school, Deanna went to community college, and a year later, when Brett graduated, he got a football scholarship from the University of Southern Mississippi. They were able to see each other throughout college.

At 19, Deanna found out she was pregnant and both she and Brett agreed to keep the baby. Though it was difficult as a single mom, Deanna worked and attended school part-time. Soon she gave up school to work full time. Then in February 1992, Brett, who was playing for the NFL?s Atlanta Falcons, was traded to the Green Bay Packers. Brett insisted that Deanna go back to school full time, and she was able to graduate with a degree in exercise science.

In 1992, Brett was injured in a game against Philadelphia. He took Vicodin to ease the pain. For a couple of years after that, Brett continued to use the drug for various aches and pains. By 1994, Brett was craving the painkillers.

Deanna didn't realize he was addicted until after a routine surgery. Brett had a seizure and he was forced to tell doctors about his addiction. He voluntarily admitted himself to the NFL?s drug rehab program.


Soon Brett asked Deanna to marry him. It wasn?t until after his rehabilitation that she saw his commitment to work out their relationship. Then Deanna said yes so in July 1996, they were married. In 1999, their second daughter, Breleigh, was born. (Deanna says that had she known Christ her entire life, she would have made better decisions and choices as a young person.) By 2003, the Favres were sailing on relatively untroubled seas.

In December 2003, Brett's father, Irvine, died unexpectedly. Deanna, who preferred a life of quiet anonymity, was thrust in the spotlight when television cameras zeroed in on her watching her grief-stricken husband lead the Packers to a victory over the Oakland Raiders. Her life was changed forever.

Tragedy struck again in October 2004 when Deanna?s younger brother, Casey, died unexpectedly in an ATV accident. Four days later, still reeling from her brother?s death, Deanna found out she had breast cancer. When the call came in from the doctor, Deanna says she was numb. Her mind filled with images of thin, bald women.

?I had a loving husband, two daughters, a wonderful life,? says Deanna, then 35. ?And breast cancer.?

When she was first diagnosed, Deanna says she shut down and pulled away from everyone.

?I didn't want people to see me sick,? says Deanna.
?The women in my Bible study continued to check on me and pray for me. I was always grateful for those prayers because they supported me when I had no strength left.?

Most days, Deanna says she felt like she were in the center of an incredible calm. After surgery, Deanna was treated with four doses of chemotherapy followed by six weeks of radiation. Two weeks after chemo, Deanna lost her hair. Soon both of her daughters cut their hair short and donated them to Locks of Love and Brett shaved his off to also show support.

After Deanna realized how much her medical bills were and knew what it was like to be a single mother without health insurance, she wanted to help women who were diagnosed with cancer and financially strapped. She started the Deanna Favre HOPE Foundation where they focus on helping women who are struggling to pay medical bills.

Last year, the HOPE Foundation gave $3,000 gifts to 12 people who qualified under their mission statement to use for their medical bills or buy groceries.
I've always thought Brett was a heroe and now it sounds like his wife is the heroe. Good people. Thanks for the story.
I saw Mrs Favre wearing pink on TV bringing more awareness to this cause. Good on her and good on Brett for stepping up and doing what is right. I am NOT a Packers fan, but I catch myself rooting for them because I like Brett.

I am a packers fan and if Brette played on either coast he would have been elected president by now. He has that much leadership. I believe that America wil wake up and see what real sports Icons are and recognize the kind of leaders we really need not ME ME ME its all ME. kind we have running around now.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-07 AT 11:50AM (MST)[p]If you love Brett Favre you gotta get the DVD special that was done on him and narrated by Billy Bob Thornton. If you didn't like him before the DVD you will be a huge fan after. He has been through everything and keeps on going. GO PACKERS!!!!
>AT 11:50?AM (MST)

>If you love Brett Favre you
>gotta get the DVD special
>that was done on him
>and narrated by Billy Bob
>Thornton. If you didn't like
>him before the DVD you
>will be a huge fan
>after. He has been through
>everything and keeps on going.

the energizer bunny perhaps...LOL
LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-07 AT 04:33PM (MST)[p]>Manny, what's your point about this?

you obviously don't know me very well, pay attention, Christ Glorified!
I think it is a great thread manny! We need more examples like this brought to light instead of just the negative garbage, IMHO.

>I think it is a great
>thread manny! We need more
>examples like this brought to
>light instead of just the
>negative garbage, IMHO.

I couldn't agree more i think i'd go nuts if I didn't hear a story like this every now & then...
Manny, I guess you do not get it. You posted some common knowledge & stuff, at least to me, just wondering why you posted it and what you thought as you did not add your own to this story. This is because you have had so many negative post and attitudes in the past that I can not ever tell when you are posting something for a good reason or to a bad reason. Not sure if you are trying to show the world that "see Brett, he was a drug addict just like me" or "see what God can do", or maybe you need to post this stuff so that you feel good about your self. But since everyone is taking this as a good thing, then I guess you must have meant it that way or you would have been bashing away again!
The ONLY person on this thread doing ANY bashing of any kind is YOU buncoboy! Bash away, far away!

LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-07 AT 11:05AM (MST)[p]BLAH _ BLAH! your eyes are blinded anyways so i won't bother.......buncoboy
>Manny, Rather my eyes blinded than
>my soul !

Grow up...

Matthew 15:14 blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Manny that is "exactly" why I would never allow you to lead me with your posts, and I hope no one else believes most of what you say, because you often lead the wrong way !! You really need to not just read your Bible, but "understand" it too! You throw out verses and have no clue what you are saying. I have seen your kind before, a "little"ation and they think they know what they are talking about. You need to get saved buddy!
>Manny that is "exactly" why I
>would never allow you to
>lead me with your posts,
>and I hope no one
>else believes most of what
>you say, because you often
>lead the wrong way !!
> You really need to
>not just read your Bible,
>but "understand" it too! You
>throw out verses and have
>no clue what you are
>saying. I have seen your
>kind before, a "little"ation and
>they think they know what
>they are talking about.
>You need to get saved


I'm just curious here, you say I need to get saved, are you claiming to be saved or religious perhaps?, if you look closly at the new testament you'll see Jesus's critics were the religous leaders of his day and it seems it hasn't changed these days either....
So how about Brett Favre and his wife? Let's stay on topic. Let's not ruin a good story with religious debates. Save those for a new thread or a new forum perhaps. Have a great day. GO PACKERS!!!

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