Brett Favre Done?


Long Time Member
Well boys if you haven't saw yet Brett says it's over. He says his ankle has not responded well to the surgery and he won't be back. I think this is really it, what do you guys think?
I won't be going to Lambeau this fall. DAMMITT!! Would have been a fun game to watch.

Gonna miss him.
What a freaking DRAMA QUEEN! Getting tired of this act. I say there is still a 70% chance he plays this year.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
At his age and condition you think he would have really known earlier? He would be a drama queen had he not have any records. He put up the numbers and sat a whole lot of butts in the stands and you guys are going to knock him. He had one of his best seasons ever last year. Not 6 years ago but last year. Remember?

Maybe you guys are the drama queens or you're just jealous.

For the love of the game baby.
Your funny Zigga. Sure wasn't knocking what he's done on the field . Just tired of the will he or wont he play EVERY year.
Pack Fan to the core...but thats because of Brett. Sad to see him SAY he is done but i hope he is officially done! but who knows. That would give the packers a very good shot at the confrence title.
>Your funny Zigga. Sure wasn't
>knocking what he's done on
>the field . Just tired
>of the will he or
>wont he play EVERY year.

I blame the media for all the hype. It seems to get people up in arms and it creates drama during gametime. Last years Monday Night Football game was proof of that. Biggest crowd watching in MNF history that week and it was well worth watching. Don't blame Brett because the media makes bank off of creating a fiasco.
I'm a Viking Fan. I will have to say the Pack has the inside track for the Championship now.
But Brett could get well halfway thru the season.LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Well he has changed his mind this morning. Now he says he isn't sure yet if he will retire or not. My bet is that he plays this year!
They offered him 20Million to play this year. He's coming back for sure now. He had the whole thing planned. An uncapped year, he wanted to benefit substantially before he retires. Vikings could give him anything he wanted and of course they want him back. They're trying to get a new stadium built, so this year is very very important. I'm betting he plays.
Hate to agree with ziggy. I think he's a simple good ole' farm boy, who really thinks about all the aspects of him coming back not just the money. He doesn't want to look like a fool on the field and wants to compete at the highest level. What is so wrong with an old guy waiting until the last moment to figure it out. He had NOTHING to do with this last media BS. I never have understood the drama stuff he is labeled with. He is getting pulled from every direction and that is something 99.9999% of us will never understand. Just my .02.

I think that I will stick with calling Brett a Drama Queen. While he may not have had anything to do with starting this rumor he could end it right now if He wasn't a Drama Queen. Plus I know if my opinion is different that Zigga, I must be right.
Brett who?


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
16 million guaranteed dollars should make that ankle feel preeeeeetty good.

I think he's playing, he just wants a few weeks of training camp to go by first.
he went from getting 13 million to 20 million today.if he plays at 50% he is still better than 85% of the quarterbacks in the to watch that man play the game cowboy57

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