Brett "Cry Wolf" Favre


Long Time Member
Brett Favre is meeting Viking GM in an undisclosed location to talk about Favre playing for the Vikings. Is anyone else getting tired of Favre pulling this sh!t? I've had it. It's ridiculous!

All the more reasons why I never got caught up in pro sports...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Is he the guy that was on "something about Mary?"?

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>All the more reasons why I
>never got caught up in
>pro sports...

>The poster does not take any
>responsibility for any hurt or
>bad feelings. Reading threads poses
>inherent risks. The poster would
>like to remind readers to
>make sure they have a
>functional sense of humor before
>they visit any discussion board.

Could not of said it any better myself Snort.

JB....I think you have him confused. He actually played uncle Rico in Napolean Dynamite....or maybe that's the fans of this shizzle...I don't remember.

Let him play if he wants to play. I wouldn't want him but he will put some butts in the stands. He's a legend no doubt just no arm anymore. Hunting to us is like football to him. He's addicted and not trying to impress anyone.
Why does everyone get their panties in a wad whenever an athlete does something like this??? Does it affect you personally??? I doubt it, put your self in his shoes, he's got the opportunity to make a few more million bucks doing something he loves to do... How can you fault anyone for that??? I personnaly want him to come back, especially to a division rival to by beloved BEARS! That just means we can make him our biach two more times this year!
It doesn't affect me personally but it is irritating when a guy has retired once...came back.....retired again (for certain this time), and then wants to come back again. I just think it is lame, thats all. I still think he can play but I don't like how he is so wishy-washy.

I don't mind the drama . . . . maybe he would like to be a Bronco (but maybe he's looking for a team that has a chance win - and that doesn't seem to be the direction my Broncos want to go)
>He wants another ring. Probably not
>gonna happen. The Cowboys already
>have a quarterback. mtmuley

HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!! You're killing me!!!! That was a good one, whew!!!
Wiz he retired years ago. It's just that he keeps showing up in different uniforms. maybe he want's to pad his INT stats.
I don't mind the drama either. I think he genuinely wanted to keep playing, then the Packers kicked him to the curb.

He still wants to play and now get revenge on the Packers, thats why he wants to go to MN so bad.

I kinda like Farve, I just hope whenever he finally does walk off the field for the last time it isn't right after he's thrown an interception!

"You can recover from a tough hunt, you can't recover from quitting" - Cameron R. Hanes
I love Brett Farve, However his choice to play for the queens is like a knee to the groin of every Packer fan. If he doesn't understand that, well then I fear that my 3 hours every sunday for the last fifteen years have been wasted. I liked how he played the game. I liked how he was not what he has become.
Simular to his previous adiction problems, Farve is curently hooked on crack, crack being the NFL of course, just another junkie.

Also Trollo, I fave the flu, so I have very little energy, but I could still kick the snot out of you & Farve ! simulaltaniously, using only my left foot.
Jason- He retired, came back last season with the Jets, then retired again (for sure this time), then now is wanting to come back. I'm not sure how credible this guys word is. And yes, maybe he wants to play until he can actually throw more TD passes than INT's....good point! Sometimes his motto is "throw it up there, somebody will catch it.....hopefully they're on my team!"

I think that some players in sports do not know when to retire. As mentioned above it is addicting like the need for a drug. I think that he should have stayed retired but it easy to sit on the sideline and voice an opinion. From what I heard on sports radio the only reason he would play for Minn. is to stick it to thier GM. (Green Bays)
>I think some athletes like the
>spotlite too much. I just
>think Farve wants a ring.

He has a ring.
We(the Vikes) are waiting to see if they can steal M Vick after he's release. LOL. he would be the one to get not B Farve. Watch out Bears.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
"Watch out Bears"....why? Is Vick gonna start fighting bears now??!! I think stories like Vicks are ridiculous. The guy is a multi-millionaire playing in the NFL and he does stupid sh!t like dog fighting. Where are the people around him helping him make these stellar decisions? IMO, I don't think any team should pick him up. Let him stay at home, watch the games from his couch and get fat! These guys need some fricken brains in their heads....I guess the money's not enough.

+1 Steve... The guy (Vick) has the world by the short hairs and makes more money than a person should and has to get involved with dog fighting??? That boy has a bad case of DUMB A$$! I don't care how good he is I thinkn he should have been ousted from the NFL for life. Anyone that stupid does not deserve to play there.

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