Breast Cancer ??


Very Active Member
How many of you gentlemen have been
Directly affected by this with someone
that you care about.

Is it just me ??, as it seems this is
coming up with many great Lady's that
I care about.

Friends, coworkers, family, ect, ect....

My GREAT coworker just this last week...

I'm SICK of it.

It's buming me out.

grandma, aunt, sister in law and 2-3 lady friends. Early detection has saved a few of their lives. i wish your coworker well
Larry ... haven't had to deal with it directly .. yet!

I think we all know where you are comming from. It truly sucks!

But wait!!!! My mom in-law passed at 61 years old from breast cancer. Robbed my kids and grand babies of a wonderful woman --- Grandma.

Damnit! Best of luck ... Russ
A good neighbor just found out she has it as well... lots of folk lately...

I know the feeling.. I lost my favorite Aunt, a couple of friends and co-workers and my neighbor across the street is in the final stages of breast cancer.. She won't be here much longer.

I have lost both of my parents to other cancers, my two best huntin' bud's and other family & friends.. Cancer really sucks..
Sucks big time. I laid my mom to rest a week ago. 69 It was a tough battle for her. Lost both her brests 6 years ago. Went through Raidiation and Kemo for 4 years. Spread through to her liver,and her chest. Kemo and radiation again. Spred to her brain a months ago. Her mind was keen she was well loved and will be missed. It has been a tough couple weeks. Then last week while at my Moms Burial our Good buddy from MM (Elkabong) Has a Massive Heart Attack at work. My condolances to those who knew him espically Rimrock they were best of buds. Great friend of 30 + years he was. I have found a place in my heart for those with Cancer. I will say it is not good.
My Wife's cousin that is only 35 had a double mastectomy two weeks ago. I can't even imagine what she is going through.
Twenty three years ago lost my Mom to Breast Cancer She was fifty years young when she passed.

Early detection is the key.
My most sincere condolences Larry. Nobody deserves to go through that. Especially you!

I feel very blessed that nobody on my side of the family, nor anybody on my wifes side has gotten breast cancer. The only cancer so far was my father-in-law who died of Myloma, a blood cancer.

My Aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer 6 months ago. She had to have her breasts removed and had to go through chemo. Man this cancer crap sucks. It seems like all you see or hear about is that someone has just been diagnosed with cancer. I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease 3 years ago. I was 26 at the time. So far kickin its arse..:) I cant imagine people that are older than me goin thru chemo and radiation. It pretty much killed me but it didnt keep me from bowhunting while I was goin thru treatments. Someday there will be a cure for cancer.

Early detection is crucial. My wife had breast cancer and it was caught in the early stages. Removal and radiation and she is doing very well.
Norby, you're correct. My wife's 11 years out of
her's and kick'n life in the arse.


Elkabong is DEAD....????

PLEASE confirm this for me.
I LOVE the bong'master.

Someone PLEASE confirm or deny to me
that Elkabong is dead.

He's one of the finest, and funny'est
son of a guns to ever be on MM.

I'm serious, I totally dug bong.
I've got to know about this


LAST EDITED ON Jul-27-08 AT 09:52AM (MST)[p]
My wife had a scare two years back, so we investigated alternative treatments, here's what we found........

Treatment the doctor?s way: only had a 7% success rate....

We got a video from "Dr. Lorane Day" who had breast cancer and cured it herself with herbs and such, lots of good info.

Next we found a high success rate with an herb called "Graviola"
And also Essiac Tea both, can be ordered over the net, don't wait too long get her on it ASAP!

"Dr. Lorane Day is a surgeon and knew what the success rate was by cutting it out first, not good, that's why she went alternative means...
early detection is key but prevention is even better. One of the main causes of breast and prostate cancer is to much estrogen. If the woman in your life has bad pms symptoms shes estrogen dominant. Since cancer can take 20 to 30 yrs to develop its best to get this under control way early. Lots of natural ways to do that.

Cancers taken 3 family members between my wife and my family with the fourth expected to pass within the next 6 months.

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