Brant wars continue


Long Time Member
Some things never change.

I love hunting brant. Always have, always will. Brant is a sea going goose. I hunt Humboldt Bay, CA. The place to hunt them is a spit of land between the ocean and the bay. When the birds are in, there is stiff competition for places to put your decoys out and hunt. The spit is public land, and the prime spots are points of land that extend out into the bay. I used to hunt the spit back in the 1960s and was involved in my share of confrontations. Brant hunting is a huge deal locally. The birds come in off the ocean, out into the bay, lose elevation, and come into the spit.

About 1965, my partner and I got tired of it and decided to try a new tactic. Instead of fighting for a place to hunt we decided to put decoys out in the bay itself. We would put the decoys about 500 yards out from the spit. Then we would anchor our scull boats about 80 yards from the decoys. If and when brant would land in the decoys we would scull up and get some shooting. It took a couple seasons to figure out the channels, wind, tide, and how the eelgrass beds were exposed but once we figured it out we started killing record numbers of birds.

The guys on the spit weren't too happy about it. We were taking birds they thought were theirs. They would yell, cuss us, and even shoot trying to scare the birds. It didn't work, and our attitude was "cry me a river".

The one draw back to our plan is that if you get caught out there in the wrong tide and wind conditions in a scull boat you could be swimming, at the very best.

My partner has long since moved on but I still do it solo. The last two days of the season this year (Dec.5-6th) conditions were right and I went out and did great! At one point I had a flock of about 30 brant within 20 yards. They were so duped they wouldn't fly until I slapped an oar on the water.

Now, 45 years later, the guys on the spit are still yelling and cussing, trying to intimidate me. The cuss words are the same their dads used to use too.

I guess you could say this old man schooled them young kids on brant hunting. I called my old partner who lives in Kalispell MT. He got a good laugh. He is still 1/2 owner of our home made decoys too. Our 18 decoys are still the best decoys on the bay, and a huge key to our success.

I got some bad news for those young kids too. Next year, Lord willing, and the conditions are right, I'll be back out at the same spot.

RIGHT ON! Eel, those guys are just jealous that you figured out a way to hunt the area without the crowd around you sky busting the birds as they come in.

Let then continue to cuss you, that is far better then them wising up and trying to join you shoulder to shoulder.

Nothing like a wiley old vet showing up the young bucks. I enjoyed that story. Sounds like a lot of fun and quite an adventure. Heck, I didn't even know what a Brant was!!!
Nice Job on 'Schoolin' them Eel!

One Question though?

What do Brant taste like?

Wisz was a Hell of a Sport this year even if He did tell the UDWR to F-Off during the Phone Call!:D
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Missing 450" Bull!
The next 4 years is Slicks Fault,again,GEEZUS!
That ain't right with them cussin'. Specially not at an elderly feller. Now like you say, the apple don't fall far from the tree and they taught their youngins' similar behavior. Kilo and Overton ought to be ashamed of themselves.
Pretty cool story about figuring out a better way to hunt. My congrats. I just really appreciate the ingenuity in the way you made that workout.

I was a diehard goose hunter until everything on the Platte river or near it got leased out of my price range. Sold my decoys last year. I had a connection I hunted with that got us in. His name was Jody McNeel at 93 he cooked breakfast in the blind, he no longer shot geese just cooked breakfast and watched. On his last day my son an I killed 2 limits of Canada geese by 10. We took Jody home and that afternoon Jody died. By the next spring so had his friend the landowner. By next spring the landowners kids had raised the rent from $500.00 a year to $5,000.00 and that was the end for me, I still miss it. Cabelas now owns most of the best river land what they don't own Kiewit does. Times do change. Interesting article on a guy who taught me a lot.
Well done Mr Eelgrass.
Mature guys ROCK! (I should know since I'm there)

Yours is a story which illustrates the variety of ways in which we hunt. It always gives me pause when some people try to tell others how, what, where and why to hunt.

I liked the story eel!

Rising costs for hunting impact a lot of us. I never fault an owner for doing what is best for their family and if that means leasing or selling to Cabelas or Richie Rich then so be it.

I may end up hunting squirrels a bit more and geese a bit less.

I get more worked up when tags and license fees go up faster than inflation. I would rather have a young kid out hunting than hanging our in town bored. Nothing good comes out of a bored young kid.
I've been hunting brant now for a few years now. They're not the hardest birds to decoy in, but the work to get those two birds is incredible since we use kayaks to haul our 36 decoys around. Last year and this year I hunted 15-18 days and limited out on almost each one of them. It's amazing how old they live to be too. Buddy shot one with a tag that was 17 years old and another guy shot one that was banded 26 years ago!!



Very nice Bwht4x4.Brant hunting is sure fun. A lot of people say brant are stupid, but I think it's because they have so little contact with humans they don't understand the danger.

The 2 bird limit makes it seem like a lot of work alright. Back in the early days the limit was 4, which made it more worth while. I killed 60 one year back in the early 70's. I also got one with a band that was 17 years old. weird. The band was almost wore through.

The best eating waterfowl IMO.

What State are you hunting? Thanks for the photos!

Eel, way nice that you get to hunt something that i never even seen! Far as them scull boats, not for me. If i ever get out that way again and stop in for a visit, please lets do something else other than scull boat rides. Yikes!!! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
For those who don't know, a scull boat is a specialized boat used to sneak up on waterfowl that are sitting on open water. Once in position, you lay on your back and work a special oar that extends out the transom. Quite often you can get within range. Sometimes the birds aren't aware until you sit up. Just for fun one time, I actually bumped into a sleeping Widgeon with the nose of my boat. Talk about a surprised duck!:)

I like it because you can target which birds to go after. And it beats sitting in a blind all day waiting for the birds to come to you.

I wonder how many scull boats are in Utah? I would love to bring it over and hunt some new places sometime.


Not sure about eelgrass, but I upgraded my hsotgun to a Benelli SuperNova last year and it's very rust resistant. However, after every trip I take the barrel and action out to clean and oil it. It's inevitable that you're going to splash saltwater on it and into the bolt and action. The only thing that rusts on the SuperNova are the sling swivels. You also have to clean and oil all of the shotgun shells or they'll rust too.
Never had one rust out ZIGGER. The one's not confiscated by the F&G get taken apart and dunked in a bathtub full of hot fresh water. Then dried , oiled, and reassembled.

Very cool story Eel..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I really like that style of hunting waterfowl. I use a poke boat similar to a kayak on several rivers same principle to jump shoot ducks.
Eel....1965, brant hunting on the spit, brings back memories. Way to adjust and find a "better way".

Was going school at Humboldt State then. Didn't hunt brant much while I was there, not being to smart I had to study a lot to get thru...LOL. Also didn't have much/any money. Paid my own way.

Hunted ducks a lot during the 70's in the Sacto/S. Joaquin valley after I got out of college. Learned to hunt sprig in big open ponds using little cover and a face mask.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-12 AT 05:18PM (MST)[p]Kilbuc, I went to Humboldt State from 1966-1970. I hunted a lot, probably too much because I never finished.:)

Cornhusker, I bet a scull boat would be a great way to go in your State. All you need is open water with ducks or geese that is legal to hunt. It only has to be about 3' deep. Sculling is real popular on both coasts but very few boats in the interior. I bet you would be the envy of a lot of people once they saw how easily you limited out. I have friends who used to take their scull boats to Idaho and scull the Snake River. Limits of all drake Mallards and Honkers. No competition from other boats either. Don't get a scull unless you really like to eat ducks.:)


Edit: They make two man boats also. That way you can take a partner and trade off working the oar. My boat is a big one man boat. I've taken kids out before.
I watched from the shore a skull boat like yours a few years ago in California working some ducks off the shore and thought the same thing. The migration here has been so screwed up with the weather the last few years that I haven't saw fit to purchase a skull boat. They stay north in the Dakotas until a big storm usually takes them out. they have been going to the large reservoirs in Kansas before they stop. A few years I'm going to retire and try it in Wyoming or Colorado which ever state I end up in.
Your story brought a smile to my face Eel.
Nice to see you are still up and after them.
Hope you and yours enjoy a Merry Christmas.

Chefer! Good to hear from you. You're one of my all time favorite MMer's. I miss you. Remember the song "I love this Bar". Well this 'ol Bar ain't the same without you.


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