bragging ----



So this past weekend my daughter was in her first rodeo pagent. No only did she win rodeo princess for her age, she also won most photogenic, and horsemanship. My daughter started barrel racing this past year and has come a long way. I am very proud of what she has accomplished. Here are a couple videos.

This one is the grand entrance, my daughter was not in it, but thought it was one of the coolest grand entrances I have seen.

I know, the videos are not the greatest, but I am still figuring out low light video.

Thanks for looking
low lighting ain't your were shaking like a dog shitting peach pits.....damn near made me vomit

Wife video the the horsemanship. She was shaking trying to watch and video. The others were me.... not great either, but still very proud.
>low lighting ain't your were
>shaking like a dog shitting
>peach pits.....damn near made me

I can't stop laughing! My wife just asked me what the hell I'm laughing at!

Traditional only >>>------->
LAST EDITED ON Nov-23-10 AT 10:42PM (MST)[p]D13
I can't quit laughing, my wife asked me what was so funny also.
I've always heard it was "Like a dog shitting razor blades" but peach pits is almost as good.

Looks like she's doing a good job and she's a cute little gal, you should be very proud.
Just a suggestion, ya might want to invest in a good tripod.
D13er always speaks with such gentle words....:)

Congrats that your daughter is doing so well. Maybe with some of her winnings she can buy some valium for her mother to take before filming! Just kidding.'ve got every right to brag. Be proud of anything positive kids are doing these days.

"Get that corn out of my face"
What does it look like when you're trying to get a scope on a 30" Buck?:D


Nice job with your kids!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
yes I know not the best video job. I think most get better a few seconds in. trying to watch my daughter while video taping is not the easiest. Not to mention, I am not meant to be a cameraman. Still very proud of my young lady, she has worked very hard. The four rodeos she has ran she has 3 1st places in barrels, and 2 in pole bending. Her mother and I can take credit for her looks, but she worked for her skills :)

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