Bragging or Sharing


Long Time Member
I read here recently where if a guy posts up pictures of his trophy buck, he is bragging. I don't buy that myself. I think that yes, there are some who post up, come to brag of their skills and resulting trophy but most, the large majority that post up pic's and a hunt story, do so to share with others of their hunt.

That's why i come here. To see pic's of nice bucks and to read of others hunts. When i go on a hunt, i'll tell the tale and post up any pic's i may have. I don't believe that's bragging and i don't think it's wrong, like some here would have you believe.

Your thoughts please?

If the guy sharing is going off on how great he is then ya its probably bragging but the rest is sharing. And yes one may be bragging by simply posting the picture without saying hardly any words at all but as far as Im concerned the individual has some "right" to brag as long as its not overboard. Everyone here loves hunting and loves to see bucks and bulls. It would be a dry site indeed if it was all talk and no pics. Showing pics and sharing a story is sharing and if it is partial bragging then its fine as long as its not over the top bragging. You know what I mean.
we work hard for our trophies whether if its a 400 inch bull or a doe deer. why not show off your hard work. its cool to see big bulls and deer but its also cool to see photos with parents and there kids.
I visit this site several times a day, I purchase probably too many hunting magazines, and record way too many hunting shows (according to my wife). Why? I LOVE big bucks and I cannot lie!! It doesn't matter if I shot it or someone else, I can't get enough of the pics. Because I enjoy your pics...I share mine. Is there some bragging...hell it deserved...hell yeah. We all work hard for our trophies big or small.
IMO most on her are just sharing and not bragging. A few from their post are a little arrogant, but then again I don't have to be on the site if that bothers me. I think most are good about it I'm usually impressed with some of the stories along with the pictures of their hunt.
Don't much like hostility but love the pic and the stories. The bragging is not an issue for me, actually by comparison there's not a lot of what I'd call bragging on MM unless some folks think just show & tell is bragging, I don't.

I rarely go to other hunting sites because: not enough pic and detailed stories.

sage, hope to hear from you this year!!!

I think I post a lot of pics on this site, I hope none of it comes across as bragging, cause it sure aint intended to. I just figure as much as I like seeing other's pics and commentary, that I ought to share in return. It's those kind of posts from many of you from years ago that got me hooked on this place.
I'm with Joey on it as more of a sharing of the hunts then it is outright bragging. The photos & stories I most enjoy are of the younger kids that just took their first game animal and that big ear to ear grin tells everything about how they enjoyed the hunt with a parent of family member or a friend that took them outdoors.

Thanks Guys! All good stuff. We still haven't heard from opposite point of view. Some guys choose to never post pic's, not because they think it's bragging but because of other reasons. What would those be?

It's usually not to difficult to see who's bragging or sharing...I think some guys temporarily grow a huge head when they kill a huge buck whereas others say look how lucky I got!!

If there's one thing I've learned about hunting over the years...there's about a million things that can happen and all but about two of em are bad!! Takes a cubic shitload of good luck for everything to work out perfect on a giant buck or bull...

I love seeing pics and hearing some expertise after a first bull. Sometimes it's hilarious. Either way, show your pics please.


Your bull sucks.
Joey aka sageadvice,

One of the other reasons for not posting could be the hunter is just an old dog, like me, who has never learned how to do all the photo stuff.
When my daughter shot a toad of a desert ram I wanted to be the "proud dad" so I got help and Founder helped me post the pics. Bragging? Maybe. Sharing? Of course!

I think, by-in-large, the posted photos are happy, proud, sharing hunters. I still enjoy the bragger's photos though.

My hope is I'll have to get more help or learn how to post because the same daughter has a LE elk tag for the 17th in UT!

Zeke said, "I think, by-in-large, the posted photos are happy, proud, sharing hunters."

Amen to that Zeke, +1

Good luck to you and the daughter on her hunt this year! I'll look forward to the pic's! :)

I agree and think some are afraid, maybe afraid isn't the word, to try, really give it a go, and post up pic's. I never had before i came here. There were pic's stored in my puter from a bunch that i had scanned and saved. Once i sat down and tried to post on this site, i followed the directions and found it really to be pretty easy and i'm a self taught puter guy with very few and limited skills. In other words, if i can do it,...

I posted my last picture on this site about 5 years ago. I had killed a 169 whitetail my largest at that time and a nice muley for my area about 160 in the same week. I know a 160 muley is a dink where most of you hunt, but I know my area and that was the biggest mule deer available. I had a pretty good week. The whitetail was ugly for most who prefer muleys and the muley was a dink in several responses. I'm not sensitive, after all this is the internet, but I just decided why bother. Usually somebody claims photo-shop or something negative arises. I just don't need it.

I may post again if I can arrow the mule deer I have been watching for the last 2 years. OOPS! I think that might be bragging.
It's always a shame when someone posts a picture of what they feel is a trophy in their mind and someones "disses" on them. I could give a rip if it's a 140" mulie or whatever! I just love hunting and the outdoors, as well as watching others that have that same passion. I really love to see posts of the kids and families enjoying things and taking animals. It really ticks me off when people start fights and make negative comments about scores, etc. there is no room for that type of behavior and they should just not post if they can't say something positive.
I have just never taken the time to learn how to do it.Maybe someday I will,but right now it's just not a big priority for me.I have sent pics in to Eastman's,Muley Crazy,and Huntin'Fool in years past,but not for a few years.Maybe im not as big of a "braggart" as I once was.LOL.I will say I do enjoy looking at other people's pics,though.I can see where Cornhusker is coming from,too.Sometimes it's not worth posting anything because of the crap you get from some people.
WHY do some of us not my case it was poor computer skills for ten years.

I guess if someone gets REAL obnoxious about how good they are, I won't read what they write...but I'll look at pictures of big mule deer any time and every time.

Bragging? Sharing? Yes.

Maybe just paying a great animal a last bit of respect. (I do wish all pictures would include some kind of "where it came from": SE Idaho, Central Utah or NE Montana.)

Within the shadows, go quietly.
For me hunting is a very personal thing. Not looking to impress anyone, count up inches or brag at all. That is my main reasons for not posting pics & stories. I just like to hunt and enjoy being in wild country. I do find it interesting when someone posts up a nice pic and story how many others try and determine where and when the animal was killed - usually takes less than 3 posts for someone to ask. That may be why some people choose not to post. People digging for specific locations I find rude. If the poster wanted to give that info he would have included it in the first place.

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