Brad's First Antelope



LAST EDITED ON Aug-15-09 AT 10:19PM (MST)[p]How goes it,
Today, 8-15-09...was opening day of the 2009 Utah archery season. After drawing a limited entry tag, I had the opportunity to harvest my very first Pronghorn the beautiful red-rock high desert of Utah! I was fortunate enough to share this special accomplishment with my dad, who was sitting beside me in the ground blind. Unfortunately after sevral hours with no activity...other than squirming & hoping frogs in the water, we both were falling victim to a persuasive mid-morning nap, and almost missed our opportunity! With my head bobbing in & out of a sleepy daze...I opened my eyes and out of nowhere a buck was at the edge of the water! Although this wasn't the 80" buck that my good friend and I had spotted just days before, I got a little too excited and took a shot without hesitation on this buck at just 30 yards from the ground blind! My shot placement was a little high in the shoulder and it took this buck quite awhile to finally go down, we tracked him for an hour and a half...he was bleeding profusly but just kept going, however a second arrow eventually helped make the decision a little easier for him! Regardless of the fact that he's not the big one I had my heart set on...I'm still happy I was able to fill my first antelope tag, and experience this new aspect of hunting with such good friends and family. The buck only gross scores 62" and is kind of a "dink" especially by trophy standards...however I think taking an antelope with a bow is quite an achievement, regardless of size. I sincerely can't wait to try this again thr next time I 'm lucky enough to draw...hopefully I'll have the patience to wait it out a little longer and take that "monster" buck of a lifetime.


You will be the only one calling your buck a dink. I think you done well on a first goat with stick and string.

Nicely done! Congrats!
I agree with KTC; Its not a dink, but a nice mature animal!!! Thanks for sharing..I also would be proud of that kill... and tasty eating too!
Thanks everybody for the kind words & congrats! At first I was kind of dissapointed in my lack of judgement & patience, but now I'm starting to realize just how much fun I really had...and I think the bottom line is, that's all that truly matters.
That is all that matters for sure -congrats on a great buck with a bow!! Be proud of the accomplishment and the memories shared with family. It is always a bit anti-climactic when you end a hunt early and you know there might be better bucks around, but don't be dissapointed in a buck like that -you did great! Plus, remember the old saying "a bird in the hand, is better than two in the bush".

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