boz & the TWINS!



When Ms boz came home about 10 Months ago & told boz they were gettin TWINS boz immediately had the vision below fill his Brain!


But actually it was something much better!

boz just don't know I made a surprise visit while He was out huntin dang near a year ago!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Beavis said, "...but i bet they have more drop than a .30-.30 at 500 yards."

You can really tell a dedicated hunter, you post a pic like that, and all he wants to do is discuss ballistics. :)

LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-11 AT 09:05AM (MST)[p]God bless breast feeding boys!!! LOL As you can see by the times I post on here we are up every 3 hrs or so. Its a lot of fun, like some of you have said you just do it. Thanks for the pic, I will have to show the wife the new line of maternity clothes you found:) By the way thanks for getting them on the ground in the spring. That was my goal too. I got married in the spring, my wifes B-day is in Jan and the kids in Feb. I should not miss a hunt in the fall for any reason now!!(yeah right wait till school activities get in the way)!!

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