Boys Pellet rifles ?


Very Active Member
So my boy (9) has out grown his Daisy ?Red Rider? BB gun.
I'm going to get him a decent pellet gun for X-mas.

I'm leaning towards a Benjamin 397, .177, the classic Benjamin pellet rifle.

The reason I want a .177 is because I have an RWS .177, so we can use the same pellets.

Any advise on pellets ? Should I just get some RWS target pellets. Hunting will be limited to small birds at close range, and the occasional ground squirrel.

Any comments on the Benjamin ? I had one (40 years ago) and it was a great gun.
They run about $160 theses days, anything else I should be looking at for a 9 year old boy ?
A .22 is on the short list, but we have to drive 30 miles to shoot it. Abandoned field 3 miles from our house works for a pellet gun.
I told him if he learns all the safety rules, and learns to shoot and care for the pellet gun, maybe a .22 for his B-day in April.
Pellet guns are great for stray animal disciplinary control around the house. I've found it interesting to see first hand just how fast a dog can run from a stop just before he pinches another one out on the front lawn.

Some run slower than others but it isn't from lack of effort! :)

It's time for a .22,admit it Dad!:D

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LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-10 AT 06:51AM (MST)[p]I dont think you can go wrong with any of the daisy pellet/bb guns, just get one of the powerline pump guns. They are pretty cheap and last pretty good. I dont see the point in spending anywhere close to or more than you can buy a 22...

Anaconda, those Benjamin's are great. I grew up with one too. A .22 is fine but if you have to travel just to shoot it, that's no good. It's a lot more fun if he can shoot more often. A pellet gun is great training and practice too.


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