Boycott KFC!!!!


Long Time Member
or Endorse?


Yeh boy, I'll back up that cause any day, just give me a list of where they will be protesting, and I'll be there.

Give me a sign somebody, please

Steve Cheuvront


Where do you come up with this funny sh!t.

No answer required, just a statement.

The blatant hypocrisy of PETA astounds me. They can use immorality under the guise of feminism to further their stupid brainless causes, yet if a group of hunters (mainly white males) were to use this same brand of nudity to promote hunting, it would be demeaning and damaging not only to the animals, but to the community as well. Arrests would be made, the men would be registered as sex-offenders and we hunters would be labeled as nut job right-wing fanatics by the MSM. PETA does this same crap all the time, the females don't get arrested, and if they do, they use their star power to bail themselves out and call attention to their idiotic campaigns.
I am really gonna enjoy my next KFC meal. Wings, thighs and a large cole slaw. Oh yea wash it down with a diet pepsi!!


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
After eating their breasts and thighs I always have a greasy box to throw my bone in!! I love KFC!

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