Boy Kills Deer Near School



I don't understand how some people can get upset about a hungry kid providing for is family.

As Reported in the rectum, The Spectrum....

CEDAR CITY - A bow hunter killed a deer last Thursday that had been living in a field south of 800 South across the street from Cedar High School, during a junior varsity football game.

Division of Wildlife Resources Lt. Scott Dalebout said the hunter, whose name could not be released because he is a minor, had a tag for the animal but was cited for shooting within city limits.
"He was allowed to keep the deer - it was taken legally but the method was illegal," Dalebout said.
For the residents of the area, the act was more than just an illegal offense. For Clyde Eggett, it was a dangerous "murder."
"Obviously there is a time and a place for hunting, and a place for just enjoying the existence of an animal who really wasn't more than a pet - and stalking and killing a helpless animal during a junior varsity football game is not one of them," said Eggett, who lives west of the field and has been enjoying the company of this and dozens of other deer who spend cooler months in the field.
Eggett's friend Sheldon Prestwich has owned a home in that same field since 1958, and owned property where deer roam before selling it to Southwest Applied Technology College.
The property still sits covered in tall grass and weeds, and plenty of trees for the deer to nibble on, which the Prestwich family watches from their living room window.
"This particular (deer) was born and lived here year round," Prestwich said, knowing exactly which of his "pets" had been shot. "To shoot him was like shooting a cow in a corral."
His wife, Bonnie Prestwich, said her concern was the closeness to the high school.
"He was aiming at the deer, toward the school parking lot, but had he missed, he could have hit a person," she said.
Prestwich said he had a verbal agreement with Dana Miller, SWATC president, to keep people out of the field and preserve the deer habitat.
He said people had offered to rent the space to keep horses and other stock, but the owners declined because of the deer home.
"This is the first time we've had someone poach a deer on this property," Prestwich said.
Attempts to locate the hunter at a residence near the field were made, but neighbors said they did not recognize the shooter.
He shouldn't have shot in city limits. I think people are overreacting though.

Wonder if my mother in law ever saw that "pet deer" - she works at Cedar High.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

Sorry that was an ass-umption on my part. I figured because it was a teenager and he was hunting he must be hungry. I have'nt met one yet that wasn't.

"If God didn't want us to eat animals, then why did He make them out of meat?"
~Ted Nugent
Maybe the guy who feels the deer were his "pets" was a PETA freak and was complaining so much to the wildlife officer, he let the boy keep the deer just to spite him.

That's what I would have done.
Some "city deer" do become pretty tame...seems like sticking one with an arrow would be a bit, well, lame. (I should be a poet.)

Oh well, looks like they've got it figured out more or less. That's gotta be front page news in the Cedar metro area!! :)
>Oh well, looks like they've got
>it figured out more or
>less. That's gotta be
>front page news in the
>Cedar metro area!! :)

Yep! Hey - I made the front page there in '96 when I was the first in line for my So. Utah General Tag one year.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Sep-02-10 AT 04:08PM (MST)[p]>
>>Oh well, looks like they've got
>>it figured out more or
>>less. That's gotta be
>>front page news in the
>>Cedar metro area!! :)
>Yep! Hey - I made the
>front page there in '96
>when I was the first
>in line for my So.
>Utah General Tag one year.
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

Nice!! Haha...I love Cedar City in reality...SUU grad. I still get a tear in my eye every time I drive through.
Guess I'll start checking Schools/Football fields for Pisscutters!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Kinda weird he'd shoot a deer that close to a school or houses. Maybe he was pressured by friends to do so. Either way, dumb thing to do. Although, we don't know how big the field is right? What if this field is 15 acres...that changes things a bit in the fact that he may just not have walked up and shot the deer. He may have had to "work" for it a tiny bit? I"m reaching...I know!

T&A Inspector
Interesting story.

Doesn't Roy have an under aged nephew or two living in that area?

Why hasn't TripleK weighed in on this?

If Roy passed on his turtle hunting ethics to his nephews.....

Just some questions......just questions.

I'm trying not to bust out laughing at this one. You have to know all the players. Anyway's I bet this kids dad is making jerky as we speak.

Eel... don't lend a whole lot of credence to "Reverend Roy" or "Jenn in the morning". They are just bus students from the basin that attended SUU. Roy lucked out & got his bride from pure stock.

Slick, you can marry out of the basin, but it would take several generations to mask the genes.

>Interesting story.
>Doesn't Roy have an under aged
>nephew or two living in
>that area?
>Why hasn't TripleK weighed in on
>If Roy passed on his turtle
>hunting ethics to his nephews.....
>Just some questions......just questions.

Good questions indeed Eel.. You mentioned if Roy passed on his hunting ethics.. Makes one think of those old adages..
You know the apple doesn't fall far.. A leopard doesn't change their spots and so on.. Good questions and it will be interesting to see if Roy or Jenn comment.
Anybody know how big the buck was? I can kinda see them let him keep it if its a 2 point in a 40 acre field. Still in city limits and people are very sensitive about weapons around a school. There seems to be a lot of holes in this story to me. Or maybe its not a big deal at all and the dude that felt the deer were his pets is just trying to stir the pot. I know he won't get much sympathy in Cedar City Utah though.

I have a friend that is a officer for the dnr. I called him and asked him what happened. He said the kid killed a 20-24 inch 3x4 (didn't put a tape on him) in a private field that was not posted in a field close to the football field during a game. He didn't do anything to break the law, just didn't go about it right. If the game wasn't going nobody wouldve known anything. That's why he got to keep the deer, he got a talking to and people are trying to raise hell because he was not ticketed and got to keep the deer.

Where was common sense on this one?

LAST EDITED ON Sep-04-10 AT 12:35PM (MST)[p]>>He didn't do anything to break the law, just didn't go about it right.<<

Hmmm, so which DNR dude is right?

"Division of Wildlife Resources Lt. Scott Dalebout said the hunter...had a tag for the animal but was cited for shooting within city limits.

"He was allowed to keep the deer - it was taken legally but the method was illegal," Dalebout said."


How To Hunt Coues Deer
He didn't say anything about shooting inside city limits. My bad I did not ask.

It was illegal because it was on private property he did not have permission to be on, legal because the private property was not posted.

If he wouldve done it another night nobody would've known a thing. When he did it he had around 400 spectators. Very stupid to even be hunting there.

The officer said he can't go into detail for obvious reasons, but at this point he will not be prosecuted.

I'd say he got really lucky for screwing up like he did.

"The officer said he can't go into detail for obvious reasons, but at this point he will not be prosecuted."

meaning the kid was the police chief's son?:)

>He didn't say anything about shooting
>inside city limits. My bad
>I did not ask.
>It was illegal because it was
>on private property he did
>not have permission to be
>on, legal because the private
>property was not posted.
>If he wouldve done it another
>night nobody would've known a
>thing. When he did it
>he had around 400 spectators.
>Very stupid to even be
>hunting there.
>The officer said he can't go
>into detail for obvious reasons,
>but at this point he
>will not be prosecuted.
>I'd say he got really lucky
>for screwing up like he

Are you saying that private property is fair game if not posted?.........

Read the regs on it before you try to pin me with that! Thats the circumstances it fell into, he shouldnt have been there but it was not posted so who's to blame?

So you're saying the kid wasn't cited and Lt. Scott Dalebout is a liar??

"Division of Wildlife Resources Lt. Scott Dalebout said the hunter...had a tag for the animal but was cited for shooting within city limits.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Makes me wonder how long till someone tries on the Jordan river bucks... I miss living in cedar city.. why did I spend those years hunting mountains when I could've walked across the street at lunchtime... I feel cheated now!!!
would the story be the same if he use a club, ball peen hammer, tennis racket, a woodie or a ford truck?


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