Box Elder County, New Foundlands

Great for your Mrs. Larry!!

Let me call the Protocol Office (sp!) out at Oaisis and see if I can get us a 'legal' pass to go thru the bomb range......for a specific date-----to do some scouting.....

The North access is a long MO_FO of a beat ya to death road! ha

Me and Monte are suppose to go out there and film anyways....

I hunted out there in 2006 with my Dad (the first year it was open). It's a long drive out there, and the road along the railroad tracks can be rough (make sure and have a good spare or two). The scouting and hunting can be as easy or hard as you want to make it. You will see plenty of sheep from the road just driving down the east or west side of the mountain.
Hey Paul,
Are you headed to the NWT this year or next? And if you have any pics of your Dad's ram, I would love to see them. Either post or email. Curious how that Newfy hunt went.
I head to the NWT in 2012. I try not to think about it too much as 18 months is a long time to go without sleep.

I'll see if I can find a picture of my Dad's ram. I was only able to hunt 1 day with him that year as it was the same year I hunted with ARRO in NWT. He took the Ram on the second day. Troy Justensen and Greg Bird did a great job of getting him in a place to take a ram as he isn't able to hike much if any.
Troy and Greg are very good from what I am told. I would love to see the pictures, and sorry about bringing up your hunt and causing more sleepless lucky dog you!
Anyway good luck on the Newfys, guys and gal. I would love to check out that unit as well. It is always fun to see sheep and I hear that herd is doing very well.
Don't know Greg, but Troys a good egg and knows his sheep. There is a good crop of 5-6 year old rams, and hopefully we can find one a few years older. Love to see a pic of your dads sheep, and mount if possible. Thanks for the info.


Here's a picture of my Dad's ram. I let him know that you might be calling him.

Have you had a chance to go out and scout yet?


Paul, thanks for posting the pic. Very cool. I had planned my 1st trip out last week but had to post pone till this weekend. Getting excited. Still plan on calling your dad, ust haven't yet.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-11 AT 08:17AM (MST)[p]Me granddad mined tungsten out there thru the 1960's. Ive spend plenty of time out there my entire life. This is the unit I have been putting in for the last four years.
If you have a tag, pm me and I will tell you all I know, or even go out and show you the ropes.

I made my first trip to the unit this weekend(half day), and learned a little about the area. Found 12 rams in various sizes, with one better than the rest. Here are a few pics of him. He looks to be near a full curl, but not huge. He does have a red tag in his ear, so I sould be able to find out when he was put there.





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