Bowhunting Antelope?


Very Active Member
So who all is going to hunt antleope this year with their bow? How many Rifle hunters do we have that will be chasing those slow moving critters?










Good luck to all those hunting. Have fun and hopefully you will get a big one. BB
I had a bow hunt planned but we cancelled it because of all the winter kill bad news we were hearing. I may still go try and stick one for a couple of days if I can get off work before my deer hunt.
What unit were you planning to hunt. I hope you don't have a deer permit in the same region, as the deer usually take it much harder than do the antleope in most cases when they have a bad winter.

Take care and good luck. BB
I don't have a tag, but my friend from CA has an archery antelope tag in the unit I live in here in NV. Hunt starts next Monday. I get to play chofeur and watch all the excitement unfold. Should be some good times.

I will be bow hunting them starting Aug 15. Then if things don't work out, I will be able to go out with rifle in September.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-11 AT 05:38PM (MST)[p]This year will be my first time hunting antelope. I drew a utah LE archery permit for the pauns/dutton. I cant wait! ANY advise or tips for a first time antelope hunter? As always great pictures BB.
I am with WY on trying to vent one with my stickflipper. If not, I will go to the muzzleloader. If not that, the 280 is always waiting.....
Leaving sunday in the AM for my hunt opening up on monday :)

Should be a fun but hot one. First timer here!
I will be avidly trying to let the air out of one with my stickflipper on the 20th of August. I am looking forward to doing a solo hunt. Nobody is going with me and I am sleeping the back of my truck and eating jerky and granola bars for as long as it takes to kill one. I really hope I can spot and stalk one. NOT looking forward to sitting a blind over a water hole all day in a 100 degree heat. Good luck to all. I will post pictures of whatever I take, even if it's just a picture of my tag.:)

It's always an adventure!!!
Be introducing my 15 yr old son to antelope archery hunting this year in Colorado, something I have yet to do myself but we are gonna give it a go. Rather than school sports he opted to chase antelope and deer this fall. Another father a I will also be taking our boys to Wyoming to chase a few goats around up there too. September and october will be busy.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
Was planning on goin OTC in SW SD, deer hunt is in the middle of the state on private ground, they did ok from what our connection there tells us.
I have a WY tag but due to an unexpected new arrival this month Im going to have to wait till the rifle opener!

Im convinced they are the funnest critters on the planet to chase with a bow. Whats any better than 70 degree weather, glass for miles, and literally 5+ stalks a day?!

"You skin grizz?"
Bill, I love the pics, thanks for posting!

I'll be bowhunting a unit in southwest Wyoming on August 15. Can't wait!

I was lucky enough to draw a WY 61 antelope tag to go along with my unit 26 moose tag. Based on the season dates and my schedule, it looks like I will be moose hunting with my bow and rifle hunting antelope. Haven't quite got everything worked out yet (moose or antelope first) but a good problem to have.

I really enjoy your pictures. Thanks for posting them. I am always amazed at how clear and sharp they are. You have some of the best wildlife photos I have ever seen on the internet.

I am getting really pumped up for both of my hunts and wish you and everybody else well on your hunts this year!

LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-11 AT 03:25PM (MST)[p]Leaving in 2 weeks for unit 61 to bow hunt antelope too. Hope to find a big one. Well, wish everyone luck.

BB - I am surprised with all the computer technology and computer games that no one has made a 3-D, 360 degree rotating (left to right & up & down) program of animals that you could place a dot on and then hit a button to see vitals and skeleton. Therefore seeing what a shot would do at any angle.

Blake, I know unit 26 pretty well. I have taken 3 moose out of that unit with my bow through the years and been with three others who have had tags there. If you need any help PM me and I will be happy to tell you about a few places. Also if you call I will tell you a bit about bowhunting antelope as you can kill a great buck in that unit with your bow, even if the rifle hunt is going on. Don't let that make you switch weapons, as most years I have a tag I wait until the rifle hunt to fill my tag.

Bill good luck in Unit 61. Post some photos of your hunt. And I try hard to educate bow hunters on where to shoot. I am so surprised so few really know where to aim with a bow. Over on the Bowsite I have posted tons of photos showing vitals, bone structure etc.

Anyway here's a few photos for this weekend. I ran up there Saturday and spent the day taking photos. These are but a few of the ones I took.













Photobuck quit working so I will try to add a few more tomorrow.

Best of luck to all you antelope hunters. BB

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