Bow practice on hold!!!



LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-08 AT 08:40AM (MST)[p]While trying out a horse to buy last night I got bucked off and stepped on and made a nice little trip to the ER. She landed just below my sternum right on my guts. I thought for sure I had some internal injuries but after a CT scan all they found was a BB still in my leg from a bb gun fight about 18 years ago. I am super relieved that I did't have to have surgery last night, but this sure puts a wrench into my practie time for the upcoming deer season. I got away pretty lucky with just a broken nose, few bumps and some really bruised "jiblets" Here is the photo of the hoof print on my abdomen. 20 years I've gone with never being bucked off. Guess there is a first time for everything! Nice and swollen!


Aim Center Mass
rifleman.gif didn't buy the gluebag I hope? Too many non buckers out there to have a killer...

OUCH! Looks painful. Glad you're alright. LOL about the BB still in your leg though. Rest up and heal so you're as close to 100% for the hunt as possible.
>"Looks like a Feleno guess-em pic".

That's very true. Hurts to laugh at that though!

Aim Center Mass
20 years is a long time to go with out the planet Earth runnin in to you while your riding a horse. I've been bucked off, bit, kicked, and stepped on. It's usually not if but when with horses. A couple years ago I got bucked off a "dog gentle" horse we leased out of Wyoming and had to guide a snowcock hunt, a mountain goat hunt and 5 weeks of deer season with some severely bruised ribs. Glad you didn't get hurt any worse. But cowboy up son, hunting season only comes around once a year :)!
I've been bit, kicked, knoked over, bailed off, but never bucked off. It was a whole new experience for me. A pretty scary one, my wife and kids were standing about 15 feet away when it happend. Scared my little girl to death, she thinks daddy is invincible. I sure didn't feel that way with that horse print on my stomach.

And NO I did not buy that horse. I think I've got enough hay burners as it is now!!

Aim Center Mass

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