Boulder Mountain Lakes.


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OK guys I need your help. My brothers and I would like to plan a 3 night 4 day backpakcing/fishing trip on the Boulder mountain this summer. It has been over 15 years sence I have been on the mountain and could use a little help on planing the trip. If any of you have any suggestion on lakes that we could backpack into set up a base camp to make day trips out to othere lakes for a little fishing I'd appreciate your suggestions. Right now I am thinking of setting up base camp some where near Horseshoe lake, and then venture out to Halfmoon lake, and Crestent lake. Will this be OK or should I try some where else?

Thanks for you input.

that is a very good spot to set up camp there is 3-4 good lakes not to far from horseshoe that can be good fishing, but when it's slow it's slow. if you have never been there it is a long bumpy dirt road to get to horseshoe. some of the most beautiful country in utah!
That is a great spot. Keep in mind that they are in the process of killing all the fish in a number of the lakes, and re-stocking with cutthroat. Check with the fish and game before you go.

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