Boot Utah out?

So Colorado would get Flaming Gorge, Canyonlands, the La Sals and Henrys? We could probably get used to that.
'CON'crete has probably got His Head Right up Bishops Ass!

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

Hey NVB!

Pay Real Close Attention to this Song!

(Spoken) Well there's always been groups of people that could never see eye to eye... An' I always thought if they'd get the chance to get in the Octagon they might realize they got very little in common.......

Well I was Bull-Shittin' in an MM Thread, just havin' a DEW to pass the time.
Swappin' Huntin stories with this ole Huntin friend of mine.
When some Illegal ATV'er riders started snickerin' in the back
Started pokin' fun at my friend's hat.
One ole MM'er named Doncrete said hey cat, where'd you park your horse.
My friend just pulled his hat down low, but they couldn't be ingnored.
One Fat fellow said, I think I'll rip that Mountain to Pieces & Shread.
That's when my friend turned around, and this is what he said.....
You'll ride a black tornado, cross't the South Slope
Rope an ole blue norther and milk it till it's dry
Bull dawg the Mississippi, pin it's ears down flat...
Long before you take this cowboy's Mountain....
Now partner, this Mountain is better left alone,
See it used to be ATV Free, but last year the Illegals Rode on.
My nephew skinned the Buck that's on the wall upon that Mountain,
But back in 85 the Illegal Wheelers moved in
Now the eagle feather was given to me by an indian friend of mine
But someone ran him down somewheres round that Arizona line
And a real special lady gave me this hat pin
But I don't know if I'll ever see her again.
You'll ride a black tornado, cross't the western sky
Rope an ole blue norther and Milk it till it's dry
Bull dawg the Mississippi pin it's ears down flat...
Long before you take this Hunter's Mountain
Now if your Pink Camo jacket means to you what this Mountain means to me
Then I guess we understand each other, and we'll just let it be.
But if you still think it's funny, man, you got my back up against the wall.
And if you Thrash that Hill with your F'N ATV, your gonna have to fight us all...
Well, right then I caught a little Fear in ole Doncretes eyes,
And he turned back t'wards the others and they all just sorta shuffled on outside
But when my friend turned back t'wards me, I noticed his old hat brim
Well it was turned up.. In a big ole TARDville grin
You'll ride a black tornado cross't the western skies
Rope an ole blue norther, milk it till it's dry
Bull dawg the Mississippi, pin it's ears down flat
Long before you take this ole Hunters Mountain.

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

You forgot the last part of the song where it's pointed out that cats are nicknamed ##### cat for a reason.

"Con" that's funny, the good news is, you can't, won't, back your mouth up with any facts.

So twist a good ole Chris Ledoux song to fit your liberal agenda. But.....we both're all meow and couldn't have any bite of your ass depended on it.
Bishop hangs so far down the list of legitimate concerns, he is lower than the sagging nips of pelosi and hillary.
Someone please explain how every drop,cubic foot, or chunk of carbon fuel on this planet is "NOT" going to be dug up and used??

Your pissing into the wind to try and stop it!
While they're at it!

Let's Boot Fallon NV out as Well!

They've got warm water underground!

Let's let them Steal it as Well!

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

Awesome read! The only people that have been in Utah longer than my ancestors is the Natives. Why do we as Utahn's allow these clowns to operate our state. Kick them out.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-15 AT 02:46AM (MST)[p]That's the million dollar question, why do hunters and outdoor people who love the freedom of the west vote those types of politicians in power?

Utahs politics have turned radical during recent decades no doubt, on all levels it seems, national and state, even things like. SFW and the Expo are telling the story.
Greed, money lust, power, hatred for those that have different values? Just plain apathy? Who knows.

I was born in Utah and have lived there at different times, beautiful place, its sad to see the state become what it has.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-15 AT 10:33AM (MST)[p]>Awesome read! The only people that
>have been in Utah longer
>than my ancestors is the
>Natives. Why do we as
>Utahn's allow these clowns to
>operate our state. Kick them


Not sure I understand who you are advocating to kick out.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
NV bighorn

We as Utahns choose to elect people based on party affiliations rather than principles. I wish we could vote these clowns out of office that seem to care about wealthy land owners much more than our general public.
Thanks for the clarification. Sometimes its hard to un-elect people. But you need to try

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
>Thanks for the clarification. Sometimes its
>hard to un-elect people. But
>you need to try
>[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I
>just stir it.[/font]



How Bout Throw their LowLife Asses Out?

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

There you go again Elkass, writing checks you can't cash. Encouraging anarchy with nothing to back it up. :)

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
>There you go again Elkass, writing
>checks you can't cash. Encouraging
>anarchy with nothing to back
>it up. :)
>[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I
>just stir it.[/font]



Must be the New/PC way of sayin it Huh?

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

NVBighorn, It's the same way in northeastern Nevada, The general Public will vote in the county commissioners that go against wildlife, hunting, public access and ownership, they do it everytime, and it just gets worse.

I understand that's it's mostly apathy there though, a huge percentage of the population are from elsewhere and don't really care. But it still amazes me how some of the nastiest people get voted in office.

Hunters are way outnumbered by nonhunters in both Nevada and Utah, politicians know that, when one political party has an overwhelmingly lock in elections and the outdoorsmen vote can't even be a swing vote, our wishes and concerns matter very little.
>NVBighorn, It's the same way
>in northeastern Nevada, The general
> Public will vote in
>the county commissioners that go
>against wildlife, hunting, public access
>and ownership, they do
>it everytime, and it just
>gets worse.
>I understand that's it's mostly apathy
>there though, a huge percentage
>of the population are from
>elsewhere and don't really care.
> But it still amazes
>me how some of the
>nastiest people get voted in
>Hunters are way outnumbered by nonhunters
>in both Nevada and Utah,
>politicians know that, when one
>political party has an overwhelmingly
>lock in elections and the
>outdoorsmen vote can't even
>be a swing vote, our
>wishes and concerns matter very

So Piper?

You're Sayin it's these DAMNED County Commissioners Fault?

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

In northeastern Nevada the elk slaughters and the constant drumbeat about selling and transferring public land is mostly due to the commission.

I remember when Norm Bangerter got rid of The Utah division of wildlife director because he was a little too pro wildlife. Sometime later sportsmen circled the capital in pickup trucks honking their horns to get attention because they were ignored.

Maybe your a little young to remember that assassin?

Anyway I think that was a turning point in Utah as far as how much hunters matter in state politics.
>In northeastern Nevada the elk slaughters
>and the constant drumbeat about
>selling and transferring public land
>is mostly due to the
>I remember when Norm Bangerter got
>rid of The Utah division
>of wildlife director because he
>was a little too pro
>wildlife. Sometime later sportsmen
>circled the capital in pickup
>trucks honking their horns to
>get attention because they were
>Maybe your a little young to
>remember that assassin?
>Anyway I think that was a
>turning point in Utah as
>far as how much hunters
>matter in state politics.

Too Young?


Don't Think so!

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

The County Commissions are the driving force behind the land grab. Lyman was just given Commissioner of the Year by his peers. He's a convicted criminal, for heavens sake.

American Lands Council, the major interstate land grab activist group is taking our public tax dollars from the county commissions and then transferring the majority of the money to Ken Ivory and his wife. (Source:

These people are the enemies of EVERYBODY that loves public land.

>The County Commissions are the driving
>force behind the land grab.
>Lyman was just given Commissioner
>of the Year by his
>peers. He's a convicted criminal,
>for heavens sake.
>American Lands Council, the major interstate
>land grab activist group is
>taking our public tax dollars
>from the county commissions and
>then transferring the majority of
>the money to Ken Ivory
>and his wife. (Source:
>These people are the enemies of
>EVERYBODY that loves public land.

Makes you wonder about them County Commissioners doesn't it?

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

>Makes you wonder about them County
>Commissioners doesn't it?

Yes it does. Even when you get one or two who are on the right side of things they are muffled and muzzled by the ones who are either drinking the koolaid or going to the same church as the vocal land grabbing ones. Any guesses which church that is Bess?

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
According to the source quoted above...

If you live in one of these counties, your tax dollars went to American Lands Council and their land grab agenda.

Arizona: Apache, Mohave, Navajo, and an organized group of ?Eastern Counties?

Colorado: Montrose and Mesa

Idaho: Idaho

Nevada: Churchill, Elko, Esmeralda, Eureka, Lander, Lincoln, Lyon, Nye, Pershing, and White Pine

New Mexico: Otero and Sierra

Oregon: Klamath and Wallowa?

Utah: Beaver, Box Elder, Cache, Dagget, Duchesne, Garfield, Iron, Juab, Kane, Millard, Morgan, Piute, Rich, San Juan, Sanpete, Sevier, Tooele, Uintah, Utah, Washington, and Weber

Washington: Ferry, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Skagit, and Stevens

Wyoming: Big Horn, Lincoln, Natrona, and Weston

>>Makes you wonder about them County
>>Commissioners doesn't it?
>Yes it does. Even when you
>get one or two who
>are on the right side
>of things they are muffled
>and muzzled by the ones
>who are either drinking the
>koolaid or going to the
>same church as the vocal
>land grabbing ones. Any guesses
>which church that is Bess?


>[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I
>just stir it.[/font]

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!


So close... yet sooooo far

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]

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