Book Cliffs Rifle Deer


Very Active Member
I saw a lot of deer already in the low country out in the Book Cliffs during the opener of the spike hunt. It is looking to be an earlier migration than we have had in the last couple years. Should be a good rifle hunt. I am excited to see what folks can come up with. Good luck to those with tags.


There is no such thing as a sure thing in trophy mule deer hunting.
Oh yeah, they are gonna smack 'em big time. Should be fun for those with a tag this year.


There is no such thing as a sure thing in trophy mule deer hunting.
I have a hunting buddy with a tag this year. I'll pass this info on to him.
Thanks for the update Mr Daxter!
Thanks, Dax-- now you have me second guessing my wife turning in her Books rifle tag. haha Hope they leave a few old pigs out there for next year.....

They are going to get slaughtered. The next few years will be rebuilding years if you ask me.


Can we update this forum so posting with a
phone is easier?
What would you think has caused the deer to migrate earlier this year, if that is the case? Even though you seen quite a few down low, did you see many in the trasition zones or even still on top? We're getting excited and are heading out Thursday!

LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-12 AT 11:48AM (MST)[p]Oakbrush leaves turned brown quick this year, probably due to drought. Also, lots of pine nuts down low might be a draw to the lower country? Not quite sure exactly what drives the timing of the migration out there?

There were lots of deer in transition areas too and some still on top. However, the numbers in the lower country were way higher than at the same time last year. It looked like stuff was happening a week to week and a half earlier than what we have had the last couple years. I watched it close last year as my wife had a tag. Definetely earlier this year.


There is no such thing as a sure thing in trophy mule deer hunting.
I think it will be a slaughter on the small ones this year. I hunted 8 days on the muzzle loader and found very few big bucks. I ended up pounding a 23" 4x4. I saw one 28" 3x3 but I wanted a 30" plus 4x4.

The bucks on the books like to fork high. Most the bucks we saw had real short points. 7 out of 10 bucks on the mountain are 3 points. I didn't think it was a very good hunt.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-12 AT 01:29PM (MST)[p]I only scouted two days this year and seen 50-80 bucks in those two days I saw several bucks that would have gone 23-30" wide. Most of the larger bucks had lots of mass, and they were tall. A few of them were 3x4's and I saw one of the largest 2x2's ive ever seen. I would have shot any one of them If I had a tag out there. Im on the fence thinking the bookcliffs needs a management tag out there. The reason is some people will hunt for a good buck but will end up shooting a poor genetic buck which is fine. However there are those that hunt out there and would shoot a 2 year old 4x4 with great genetics's over a 6 year old 3x4. I think if some of these younger bucks were allowed to live another year it would be pretty cool. I think its worth considering more thought on. I however know its not a unit managed for trophy and dont want it to be managed this way thus the reason im on the fence on this issue. I also know a good water year will make those 3x4's or short tine bucks a lot better. This year sucked with water! I think it was the reason for a lot of the mismatched or crabby bucks people saw.

I also know a few other people who had tags and they never seen any of the bucks I saw nor did they see the number of bucks I saw. One ate his tag and the rest shot 22" or smaller bucks. They all averaged about 5 days hunting.

One of my friends had an elk tag and i don't think he saw 30 bucks or does in the 4+ weeks he scouted and hunted elk alone out there. Unbelievable if you ask me but its true. I think he is the anti deer or something. The days he scouted with me however he saw the same deer I saw and was amazed how I could turn them up. He has the points to draw the archery deer tag next year and he is actually thinking of going with a different unit hoping for something better. What he doesn't realize is he is to far behind in the point department with his age to draw any tag in the next tier of quality units unless he hits the lottery.


who farted?
Hey Bucky!

I'll agree on the 'water sucked' this year!

But what's your Excuse for other years?

I get a kick out of everybody screaming for a Book Cliffs management hunt!

I agree,there's a few Bucks that could go without hurting anything!

But to shoot what's left(3x4's & PISSCUTTERS!) after all the other Hunts are over with would nothin but finish the Herd off!

How bout it Dax?

15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
This is the first time since I was 14 and didn't draw any tag. I'm headed out with my uncle thursday to try to find him a good one... Hopefully! For those that have been out this year I was wondering how many coyotes you have been seeing.
Good luck to the guys with tags! Hold out for a mature buck! If you can't find what you want, shoot a management buck on your last day.

>Good luck to the guys with
>tags! Hold out for a
>mature buck! If you can't
>find what you want, shoot
>a management buck on your
>last day.

I had a muzz tag and struggled to find something I wanted to take home. I saw lots of bucks, and quite a few nice ones. I passed several bucks that went 170ish and regretted it later. Several of them got shot by other hunters. I hunted 8 days and killed a 24" 3x4 my last day. Right before I killed the 3x4 I passed a 24-25" 160ish young 4 point at 71 yards. I decided to shoot the character buck instead and leave the 4 point for someone else.

There are some good ones out there, but mostly lots of small and medium sized bucks. Permit numbers are based on post season buck to doe ratios, not quality nor quantity of bucks. Unless the statewide mule deer management plan changes I don't expect much to change out there anytime soon.


There is no such thing as a sure thing in trophy mule deer hunting.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-12 AT 07:29PM (MST)[p]This is the buck I shot on day 8. Look at the size of this bucks head. I cant wait to see his age. I thought I would have a little fun with the picture. Todays camo is good LOL.

That's the best camo I've seen or haven't seen I mean. I need some of that!!

Still getting some good info on this thread and hoping one of those bruisers steps out for my brother. We're going big or not at all.

I have always wanted to create a camo that projects the scenery behind you onto your clothing. I think that would give the hunter too much advantage.

Here?s a couple I saw on my scouting trip. I'm not sure if they made it or not.

Hung out bye the entrance to the roadless area.



Big Boy coundn't find him on the hunt.

5x4 crossing the road

In the cedars
A management hunt in my opinion like the Henrys is worthless out there. More than half the bucks I have seen killed out there over the years are considered management deer and it hasn't help the genetics one bit. Theres too many deer to manage genetics.

The reason there aren't as many big bucks as in the past is they have increased tags every year up until this year. Plain and Simple, more tags = more deer killed = more big bucks killed.

If the division wanted to change the genetics they would have to only kill management bucks for the next 100 years and only let the good genetic bucks breed, LOL.

If you want quality on free ranging deer you have to limit hunters and the amount of deer killed. Sad but True.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-12 AT 02:36PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-12 AT 11:59?AM (MST)


Im not making any excuses about other years. im fine seeing the quality I see out there on a non trophy unit. you see lots of 2 year old 3x4 and 4x4 deer. You also see lots of older crabby bucks. The younger deer with good genetics are being taken out and this is the only reason you don't see a bunch of 200" out there. They just dont get enough of that type of deer with that quality to live past 3 years of age.

If anyone wants to hunt monster deer without having to hunt with lots of tards you have to do what I do and put your points to work on the higher up units. there is no way in heck would I like to see the bookcliffs turned into a freak show like the henrys with only 20 tags.

If you wanted to grow big bucks in the books all you would have to do is cut tags. You would then also have to shoot the crap out of the does to keep the deer herd from growing above management objectives because you start stock pilling bucks and you can only have so many deer then the dwr starts with the doe slaughters. I know how much you like those. Next thing you know its a massive rebuilding of the whole deer herd because of piss poor management. Same crap happened to the elk and is happening with the elk today. loads of cow tags and loads of spike tags all so they can make room for stock piling of the bulls for a very select few who draw the now once in a life time tag. Bess your lucky you may draw that elk tag because you have a few points but my kids dont have a chance in heck of drawing it in their life.

lets talk management tags, even you know when i said if they had a management hunt out there I wasn't talking about turning a bunch more tards loose and killing the rest of the bucks. I was saying lets make them shoot the management type bucks and cut the regular tags back. You still end up with the same number of bucks killed. BUT this is already happening people are hunting for a good buck and already killing management crappy deer. The only thing a management tag would do that may be positive is it would make another slot for people to spread out there points in. Maybe my kids could draw a management tag easier then a regular one. Thats why im on the fence with the management tags out there. I know they wont increase the quality much.

I also agree with broadside when he says the does carry half the genetics and it wont weed the crappy genes out.

You and I both know water plays more into good horn growth then people realize out there because in wet years you always see larger bucks. Last year is proof of that. This years drought is proof of it again.

The bookcliffs is a fun hunt for some of the stupidest average size deer in Utah. You might not ever see a deer worthy of wasting 6-10+ years of your life on. In fact I don't think there is a deer out there worth that kind of wait and this is the reason im not even considering hunting it.


who farted?
You boys most be talking about the north end because the south side migration is real slow. I spend tons of time out there every year and the south side is slower than average. Not looking good for hunters on this side
I was out there a week ago (north end) and saw a TON of deer down in what I am told is the low country. I looked that same area over back in early August and didn't see a thing other than a few wild horses. It was a good sign but with that said, I didn't see a buck that I would be happy shooting. I hope they are on their way down still!! :)

I am heading out on Wednesday with a tag in my pocket hoping to find the one. We'll be there for the entire hunt if that is what it takes. I've waited to long to mess this up on a small/average buck.

I'll be driving a Maroon 99 F250 Crew with a V10 / a couple polaris machines - one blue and one green. Flag me down if you want as I'd love to chat. See you on the Mtn!!

Good luck!
Well Bucky!

Part of what you said is right!

(Did I just say that?)

But I'll disagree with you on sayin you don't think there are any/zero Big Bucks out there,there are some,not alot though!

Dax spends alot of time out there & if He can't pull as Rabbit out of the Hat I don't know who can?

Yor Theory on the Doe Genetics is Right but how you gonna thin the bad from the good?

And don't tell me Big Doe Slaughters is the Answer cuzz it ain't!

Hunters like Dax held out till the last day & took a lesser animal on the last day like several Hunters I've seen do this year on both Elk & Deer!

Won't be long Bucky & my Elk points won't be worth the paper they're wrote on!

Once again,there are several Issues with the Book Cliff Deer Herd not doing so well!

You added up how many more Tags have been issued the last few years?

An added management Hunt would do nothing but Wipe what's left out after all the other Hunts!

I never did like the way the rifle Hunt is hunted in the lower country,99.9% RoadHunters & 'Orange Everywhere' by far more Luck than Skill,just not my style!

Guaranteed Bucky,there will be a couple/few Hunters get Lucky by being in the right spot at the right time!

GAWD them side view Mirrors make nice Rests!:D

No Self Respecting Buck would Run(Move 20-25 miles North!)to get his Ass surrounded by a Bunch of Roadhunters!:D

Been that way since time began,ain't gonna change anytime soon!

Don't start it with me Bucky on the Utah Points System,I fought it tooth & Nail,said it wouldn't work and I've told you this countless times!

15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
So the north end is headed down and the south end is still up .

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Here's my uncles buck from 06. I passed on him twice and he shot it 5 minutes before dark the last night.
Boy was I was wrong! The big bucks hadn't moved down when the hunt opened but now that we have had some snow and colder weather hopefully they start to show up. It is has been a tough hunt out there so far. The end is always better than the begining on the rifle hunt out there though.


There is no such thing as a sure thing in trophy mule deer hunting.
Daxter do you work for the dnr? I think I met you down there camped next to your relatives. If that wasn't you your stories are very close muzzy tag and wife's tag last year.

I am sending you a pm.


There is no such thing as a sure thing in trophy mule deer hunting.
My cousin is out there right now, been there since two days before the opener, and they're struggling to find a good buck. Normally 22-24" four points are a dime a dozen, but says even they're scarce. Hope he finds a good one before it ends.
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