Book Cliffs Cow Bison


Active Member
After my moose hunt last year I figured there was no way we would be able to chase another once in a lifetime animal for a while. My older brother was not going to put in for OIL hunts this year but right before the apps closed I put him in for Cow Buffalo with his 1 point. We were surprised when the card got hit.

We made the most out of this hunt on opening day. We decided not to hunt Winter Ridge opening morning since we didn't want to get in with all the crowd. We ended up trying to locate some buffalo up higher that we had seen for a couple days previous. We didn't locate them so we split up and went all over trying to locate other herds. Finally at last light we located what we thought was 5 buffalo going over a ridge in a burn area. There ended up being roughly 50 buffalo on the back side of the ridge when he got into shooting position. Thumped her at 70 yards and the work began!


Hopefully next year our OIL luck will still shine down on us and we can hunt some more OIL species.
Cool looking bison! Tall horns and cool woolly hide. My daughter has that tag in November. We hope not to compete with the crowds. Looks like up near Moon ridge? How did she react to the shots? soak up bullets or go down quickly? Did the herd run far and get out of there quick? Just wondering, never observed those creatures during a hunt. Everyone has a happy smile, you all got to share packing out some meat I hope. Thanks for sharing. JW
Headbones. I couldn't turn up buffs on moon at all. At 70 Yards he thumped her and he put two bullets in her. She was going down after the first. The second she was literally just about to lay down when he shot her again. Send me a Pm with your number and I will drop you a pin of where we killed her and talk to you more about what I know.
Congrats on a great looking cow!! We are headed out Friday to the Books to hopefully get my dad a cow.
>That's awesome! You cant ask
>for a better background for
>the picture. Congratulations.


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