

Long Time Member
What a pompass self-rightious hippo-critical Whollyer-than-thou piece of aligator poop!!
Waist of perfectly good skin!
I love these BILLIONair "rockstars" 'an celebritys that want us to cough up our hard earned bucks to send to Africa (when only maybee 40% actually gets there 'an does some good) when 7 or 8 of "them" could finance an entire infrastructure build that would drag these countries kicking 'an screaming into the 21st century.

Do not look under that Scottsman's kilt...
Cannot stand U2. What kind of name is Bono? Isn't the lead guitar players name The Edge? Dumbass names for a dumbass band.

They are without a doubt the most overrated band in rock history. I could do without all their political hoopla as well..... U2 sound until Bono starts singing, but here's a suggestion: instead of wasting money on U2, U2 fans can send their money to fight hunger in Africa instead...
I love these BILLIONair "rockstars" 'an celebritys that want us to cough up our hard earned bucks to send to Africa (when only maybee 40% actually gets there 'an does some good) when 7 or 8 of "them" could finance an entire infrastructure build that would drag these countries kicking 'an screaming into the 21st century.

Great Point!!!!! I have wondered the same thing too.
From what i read Bono knows exactly what he was doing. For everytime he clapped there was one less mouth to feed. Eventually the food to mouth ration will even out?
+3 for the Suckage of U2. Can't stand them though they have some catchy tunes. But they are not the world influence they want themselves to be. Had to Snopes this story to see the whole truth. It appears they are not as altruistic as they seem to be. They demanded the Irish govt. to give more aid to Africa but then moved their record studio and publishing company to the Netherlands when the Irish govt. were going to take away their tax exemption. I guess they feel the Irish people should be taxed twice, once for listening to their crappy music and getting ripped off by buying it and then secondly by paying for aid in Africa that U2 and Bono demanded and then wouldn't help fund. Typical rich rockstars who only do what is best for them and their image.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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