Bonds is going down!


Long Time Member
Looks like Barry me be in for a different type of injection soon. Federal indictments brought against him.
It's BS and a very sad day for baseball. What a waste of tax dollars and time.

Afraud gets a Yankees contract that pays him $51.00 a minute for the next 10 years, 24-7, 365 X10... Nobody alive deserves that kind of money for anything!
A-Rod has his moments, but mark my word by the time he retires he will be the new all time home run leader.

I doubt it's BS and you're right it's sad for baseball! He has been waffleing for some time saying there would be an asterisk by his stats! I'll bet he knew just why that would be or he wouldn't have said so! If he did it it's too bad and it will tarnish his achievements but the old flax seed oil excuse has mold growing on it!
Records dont win world series!!! Its all about the post season. Arod will choke just like always during the post!!!

Let me tell you all a fact. Once in Individual is indicted by the federal government it's nearly impossible to get off. Most state indictments you can buy your way out of. But not with the Federal Government. I now I am employeed by the U.S. Department of Justice.
Martha Stewart went down for lying to Federal investigators and Bonds committed perjury to a grand jury so my bet is he wil at least get run through the ringer for a few months. Now it is nothing to do with baseball or steroids but lying to a grand jury.
HA HA HA HA, now that right there is funny.

Unfortunately we have too many arm-chair lawyers. There isn't a person here who knows anything about BB's case, except what the media and crooked lawyers leak out. If Barry had a softer public persona I doubt he would be indicted at all.

How could it take 4 years of investigating to finally come up with something the Fed's think will stick.

They just don't like black folks! :) Where is Johnny Cochran when you need him?

New Slogan:

Its fair chase, or its foul!'s always been a racial issue; you live on the moon or what? Maybe not with you personnaly.

I guess I should clear up my first post.....I said it was BS, not because I think Bonds is right, it's BS because I'm tired of all the BS period. Who knows who took what, why they took it, what it did for them, blah, blah, blah.....As far as I am concerned, most pro sports people have always done whatever they can to stay on top of their game. I am simply tired of the constant barrage of BS.
My dry sense of humor doesn't translate very well from a keyboard. But If you heard me deliver that line you would be laughing your _ _ _ off!

A-fraud, ha ha ha ha, I can't stop laughing!!!

Its fair chase, or its foul!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-07 AT 09:42AM (MST)[p] If it's racial then it's to Bond's benefit, color didn't help OJ right?

I don't care for spectator sports much and Bonds is a jerk but can anyone tell me why the federal government is involved in sports steroid use anyway? they must have better things to do.

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