Bomb squad now butt of jokes


Long Time Member
APRIL 19?A California Highway Patrol office was briefly evacuated earlier this month when investigators became concerned that an arrestee might have been carrying a concealed explosive device. When officers collared Steven Ferrini on a drug charge, a search of the 60-year-old suspect turned up ?a suspicious wire, with an on/off switch? in his pants pocket. ?The wire was found to extend from the pant pocket to the subject's anus,??Though Ferrini claimed that the wire was connected to an anal vibrator, officers became suspicious when he subsequently ?began to explain his knowledge of explosives and bomb making.? So they called in El Dorado County?s ?explosive ordinance disposal? team and, at 5:45 AM, evacuated ?all unnecessary personnel? from the CHP?s South Lake Tahoe office. At about 9 AM, the bomb squad ?rendered the device safe? and determined it was not dangerous.

Just goes to show you that you can never be too careful,

or curious,

or stimulated,

I guess.

So many levels of wrong on this one!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-10 AT 11:00AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-10 AT 10:53?AM (MST)

"rendered the device safe? and determined it was not dangerous....."Butt" stinky! Detectives stated in an interview to news reporters "behind" the police dept. buildings "rear access" that during this "probing" ordeal everyone inside held their breath!!
Becuase of his profession - or his proclivities??

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I do believe I would'of hauled his slimy ass right back to san francisco & door dropped him!
lmao!! You never know what one may put in his anus..

My biggest surprise or "Find" came a while back. While searching the above mentioned area I felt a foreign object. My first thought was it may be a crack pipe. Keep in mind his pants are still on. I gave it a little pull and he flinched. I asked him what the hell he had up there. He replied "I pierced my A hole". From what I could tell this was a large piercing. I took him to the bathroom and had him remove it. Without giving to much detail the guy had his very own play dough shooter!!! He also some very disturbing piercings in the front door as well.

We have never called in the bomb squad, lol. I guess you can never be to careful.

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