


how about them Broncos? they played a great game against a great team. thoughts???
Have to admit great 2:00 minute Drill and comeback. Lots of mistakes, penalties etc, and pulled out a win. Get all those mistakes taken care of and they should have a really good team. Really good QB no question.
They played Virginia Tech. The final score was 33-30.

I have noticed that this years openers are all rough and filled with errors and penalties. Lets just hope our teams can smooth out their games a little more before the next game.
I watched the game and loved it !! I agree the mistakes almost cost them the game but that first quarter was impressive.

Longun they play Virginia Tech. VT finished #6 in the rankings last year and I believe went into this year ranked #10. Another great win for a "Non BCS" team.
Great game, They will need some defense to win the #1 spot hope they find it.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Great football game! Their special teams need to work some kinks out but in the end they got the job done! Im sure their very well coached team will correct mistakes and have them running on all cylinders in the next couple weekends! That was an exciting game!!
It was a good one to get out of the way. But like coach Pete says, "it's only game #1". Lots of mistakes that could have cost them. Hopefully Moore will settle in, and quit throwing behind his receivers, and this will me another good year in Boise.
It was a great victory - great game and a good start, but you won't find too many people calling Virginia Tech an elite team at the end of the year. They will probably finish with 2 or 3 losses and be in the top 25, but not that high and unfortunately that is going to come back to haunt the Broncos. They need VT to run the table as bad as they do for that game to still hold weight at the end of the season considering their schedule. Too bad USU didn't beat Oklahoma - that would have helped them out a bunch! Anyway, the inevitable ensuing debate at the end of the year will be a good one.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I'm a NV fan, but I was rootin' for the Broncos last night! Maybe America will wake up and see they are the real deal. Not a great game, but they were fairly able to step it up when needed. I'd like to see them go...all...the...way! Except you know I'll be rootin' for Colin & the Pack when it's showdown time, so it might not happen.Was great to see all the Boise State fans and their fans revelling in their "moment in the spotlight"!
They are good and that's for sure. Amazing story for such a great program to be built with none of the advantages the big BCS schools have. The whuppin' they put on Oklahoma a few years ago sold me and they have not slowed down since.

Although I must admit I was rooting against them for my home state TCU's sake.I don't think they will let but one non-BCS team play for a national championship and if both B State and TCU go undefeated it will be B State since they beat TCU last year and are ranked higher.

But like someone said,it's just the first game and who knows what all will happen at this point....
Well - so much for that one being a "Big important victory" on their schedule.

James Madison 21 - VT 16

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I agree, Roy. If VT can lose to the perennial powerhouse, James Madison, then it doesn't speak too loudly of the BSU victory. Unfortunately, its probably the toughest team in the Boise State schedule this year, so we may not find out what they are really made of, again.
Yep Bullelk1 - that is the rub! Sucks too because they won't really take in to account that it was a short week for VT and that they just had a bad game. I think they are a good caliber team, the east coast biased writers won't see it that way in December though. But BSU is doing the only thing they can do, just win out.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
James Madison beating VA Tech at Va Tech was a killer for BSU. That will hurt their BCS rating even if Va Tech wins out.
Littlejoe your spot on. It did hurt them, as they already lost some first place votes. We will see how they do against Oregon State. OSU is a sleeper, so watch out!
It would be tough to go undefeated in the SEC....but Utah sure kicked Alabama's butt and, last year, Florida was quite open about being willing to play ANYBODY not named BSU or TCU in their bowl game.....Florida would have had their butts whipped and they knew it.

Within the shadows, go quietly.

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