

Long Time Member
For know ye not that the Feline of the Bob hath been cast into the darkness for his inequities unto founder?
Poor feller. Do you suppose he is to wander in the wilderness for another 39 years, 6 months, and 2 days?
and it came to pass that founder spoke unto the feline. "Repent and turn from your wicked ways and be welcomed back into the fold." But the cats heart was full of pride and hardened to the words of founder, and he repenteth not.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Yea verily the cat's heart became hardened. He traveled in the company of harlots & poor shots. The banished one took on the names of the righteous. Known as the prophet 16 and other vulgar names he wandered the land of Books seeking the holy cap?s lock key.

And then came a not so wise man, who beckoned unto the wicked feline, come with us, west, to the land of Kona, that we might fish together. And the feline spake unto the great and mighty Ransomous, nay, I receiveth thy advise not and will remain in the land of basin granduers.
Founder sayest to the feline of the Bob "What do you thinkith happens wheneth you liveth amongest wicked people for such a long time? You becometh like piper and zigger; you becometh miserable".
>Founder sayest to the feline of
>the Bob "What do you
>thinkith happens wheneth you liveth
>amongest wicked people for such
>a long time? You becometh
>like piper and zigger; you
>becometh miserable".

....weeping, wailing, and gnashing teeth in the forumeth of politicos.

45. And it came to pass that the voice of the people in the wilderness clamored for his return and looked forward to the end of their sufferings and tribulations in the wilderness as they besought redress from the Founding one.

46. But in vain were their pleadings as the ears of the Founding one had turned to clay against them and their cries in the wilderness chatroom went unnoticed as murmurings and mincing words.

47. And it came to pass that there went a saying abroad that the feline's voice was heard in divers places under divers logins not known to the Founding one.

48. And again it came to pass that the Founding one discerned the wickedness in the unrepenting heart of the feline and hence he was besought and blocked by internet protocol artifices

49. And when it came to pass that he was yet banished again, the weeping and wailing and gnashing of feline teeth was again heard in the wilderness chatroom

50. And thus ended the ninety and third year of the reign of the Moderators and in that year peace was again found in the land until the end of the year at which time the people again began to clamor for the feline

51. Whenceforth the cries of the people reached the ears of the Tawny one at the annual gathering of outfitters and whoredom of LE Permits.

52. And it came to pass that there gathered was the Founding one and the tawny one spied him from a distance and made himself dark against the hoardes and throngs so as not to be noticed

53. And the Founding one noticed him not.

54. And then it came to pass that as the Founding one was leaving he cried out

55. Who hath made these scratches in the door of my chariot and who posseses claws such as these?

56. And thus ended the ninety and third year of the reign of the moderators.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
And the vixen of the 3 K?s soothed the cat's wounds and whispered of unspeakable pleasures that await at the summit of Mount Al. (altamont). The cat wept. Cast me not into the fires of Feleno! I am pure of heart but have been led astray. Damn the chariots with 4 wheels. Let them be tuned! For the Nomad Buck will be mine forever and ever amen!



If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
>and it came to pass that
>founder spoke unto the feline.
>"Repent and turn from your
>wicked ways and be welcomed
>back into the fold." But
>the cats heart was full
>of pride and hardened to
>the words of founder, and
>he repenteth not.

An all-time classic post!
tell the RMJ's that he is worth 20 bucks and they'll wander the desert for 40 years in search of him....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

And FLOUNDER proclaimath "So it is written and so it shall be done" that the feline one shall wander the nomad lands for 40 years or until he can slayeth the mighty nomad forkus with his rod-eth or thy staffus. Wander no more oh wiskered one.
The bobcat wisheth he go to Kona.
But somebody must stayeth & taketh care of the Konath bunch Mateths.
You Guy's cracketh me upeth!
Sunday night my MM study group will be getting together to find the true meaning of Roy 28:32. Pot luck supper will be served afterwards. Please bring your favorite covered dish.
I just found a few more dead sea scrolls in my text messages of all places...

... and during the middle of times there arose the great prophets Manny 16-25, who spread the word of Bob throughout the land but the founder saw the word and was not pleased. The founder took his ID sword, and smote the Mannys, and laid them to rest on the mount of Alta, in the burial grounds of failed IP's.

And I say unto you "hath - I did not do a high country tune up but just taught a lesson to the $#! that did not yield my word on MM"

And it came to pass that Utah's deer heard became nothing more than Pisscutters as I had that vision and tried to warn the evil people about.

Oh Ye Pro go into the wilderness and repent for your transgressions as you were confused, may you find healing in the next 40 years.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-10 AT 03:24PM (MST)[p]The Catman Cometh soon the deciples shouted from high alpine basins! NO longer shall ye be saddened by his purse lips. Once again we will be able to bid him good morrow with STERN SYMBOLS!! Bugles will blare with confidence on ivory laden hunts, blood will be spilled not in vain, but happiness for he will hath drawn a LE permit, Hallelujah, Hallelujah indeed!! Founder almight will rise up frometh his puter' throne and gleefully welcome thy cat back from exile.Ye shall see and the angels will rejoice!
But the Feline of the Bob's eyes were opened on his sojourn and he saw that he should have his caps lock key fixed and his tongue shortened. He bid the desert a tearful farewell and journeyed to the Expo of the Sportsmen to bid an audience with the founder. Not once nor twice but 8 times he went to the founders booth but alas nowhere was founder to be found, slightly odd for a guy named founder I would think, so of saddened heart he bid his farewell.
so of saddened heart he bid his farewell.....only to spend his remaining days wandering like a poor orphan and begging and appearing when least expected like a thief in the night.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
The mighty Flounder doth giveth and alas thy mighty Flounder doth taketh away. Fear not thine Felis Rufus, let thy 50 cal. and thine tune upus comfort thee. Wander and be nomadic no more in the land of thy forum. Go forth from the Mount of Alt with thine scratched tablets and proclaim to all forum sinners and show them and lead them to the pathway of the righteous truth and to the promiscuious land.
....go in peace to love and serve the lord....or rot on the phone lines...your choice....


great post/pic, thanks for sharing

thou this BOBCAT struts through Valley of Death (AND PISS CUTTERS)...I will fear no Founders for This ##### has nine lifes (and a local libary full of New COMPUTERS)!



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