Bobcat bess goes bezerk


Long Time Member
Most of you probably noticed that Monster Muleys was offline for an extended period this morning. No doubt there was much speculation in chatrooms across America as to the reason. Suggested causes ranged from perhaps Founder had not paid his bill all the way to there were too many recurring instances of the word "Dutton" all on one server which caused it to collapse.

The truth is that Bess, still wound up over the ATV debates and tuneups he had to do, decided to take matters into his own hands. Now Bess is a tradesman second to none in his chosen profession but never hesitates to admit he is no computer expert. Turns out he was under the impression that we all live inside the monster muleys server. And more specifically that all the ATV lovers that constantly taunt him also live inside the MM server. SO he found where that server was housed and took it hostage.

Here he seen taking aim on the building

He had obviously recruited help from the Cat family and had done extensive Ninja training

Here he is telling the police "You will never take me alive. Two wrongs DO make a right!"

After several hours of negotiating the police swat team was able to calm Bess down and he surrendered peacefully.

All is back to normal at MM and Bess has been released on his own recognizance because he had talked to a local law enforcement person in the Basin who had given Bess permission for the tuneups. It was all a big misunderstanding.
Of course he'd never admit his guilt:


But they locked him up anyway:


On the bright side, he made a new friend:


On the not so bright side, he make several new friends:

I heard he was holed up in an old abandoned building across the street from an ATV dealership. I think it was on CNN. Cops finally got him before he "tuned up" the row of ATVs out by the street. Damn that was close! Cops said he was chanting "tune up , tune up, tune up" all the way back to the cop station. I just shutter to think about it.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
LAST EDITED ON Jul-29-09 AT 01:09PM (MST)[p]I also heard the pro-ATV crowd had launched a defensive move. In an effort to not little things like law enforcement, signs or do gooders hamper their effort they have employed some stealth technology.

Well I wondered what the problem was with the server and now I understand. Can't blame a guy for standing up for what he believes in right? Sometimes you just need to be heard..
Not sure if BobcatBess can respond to all this. I don't think Vernal City jail has internet access.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
Well it's pretty obvious why Bess hates ATVs so bad and would rather get into the back country the hard way and enjoys backpacking so much. He has Killerbee to help him out. Who needs an ATV when you have friends like that?

LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-09 AT 01:59PM (MST)[p]Bess, in a re-newed effort to sneak into the biggest of the pisscutters, has now used the tactic of urinating on himself to moved in undetected.


For the love of the game
NV- what'd i ever do to you??
thats about as low as a guy could stoop- if i ever had a cat in my backpack, chances are it's just to get far enough away from people, then turn the dogs loose. man it's fun to watch them catch a house cat. you'd never guess how far those suckers can strech.

or pester one so bad that he just wants to get away from you, you know, to the point it will grab anything and try to hold on.

then put it on a ceiling fan and turn it on:) they can hang on for alot longer than you thing.

you ever tried to throw one off a 200 ft cliff to see if it really will land on it's feet?

who knows, hard to locate their feet...

and there is no way that could be me, shave most that hair off his head and you'll be closer:)
Come on Killer
we can see the ripped biceps and know right off it you.Next thing we will hear will be that my brother.

Nice Job NVB

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-09 AT 05:05PM (MST)[p]i would also have that zipper quit a bit tighter, you know-just so he dont get out....:)
thats funny stuff right there, yall have too much time on your hands.

"There's a high country that awaits your coming; There's awesome beauty to fill you with bliss; There's a golden chance in the offering--- Go, or these wonders of GOD you will miss."
--Bruce Brady

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