Bob and Tom


Very Active Member
I love to listen to these guys. I know its supposedly a nationwide program. Do you listen to them? If so where are you from.

I listen I live in Salt Lake

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
I used to listed to them all the time but not so much anymore. I think Ive become somewhat of a prude. I loved Big Butter Jesus. The Cleveland Steamer had me in tears, but also marked the end of my Bob and Tom days.
They took them off the air of the station they were on here in Austin and went with a local guy who does semi-political stuff. He is conservative to moderate and a kick in the pants, but not the comedy stuff on Bob and Tom. You can actually watch the show on WGN.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I drive to work every morning listening to those guys, funny stuff to start the day off! love jumbo the elephant, larry King, they crack me up-

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