


Bloomberg is sounding more like a presidential candidate every day though he says he isn't, yet.

I don't know much about him other than he has an oh my god amount of money and a way of getting what he wants. today he gave a speeech pretty much saying the politians in DC are bums, that's the kind of talk that plays well with voters from both parties. he has the funding and he has an interest in being president, any comments?
Well the guy sure has the right pedigree, but he seems to jump around with his party affiliation. Democrat turned Republican turned Independent yet New Yorkers give him an extremely high approval rating.

I get the feeling he has been sitting on the sidelines waiting to see if the DNC is going to have it's regular pre-election meltdown. If the dem candidate polls well as an election winner I think he will stay on the sidelines.
Well........I wouldn't mind, but I doubt he will toss his hat in until summer.....these current people dig themselves in deeper every day and when they have ALL Americans laughing at them, Bloomberg will look REAL good to everyone.
Bill Clinton was elected because of Perot. Hillary will be elected for certain if Bloomberg runs. Bloomberg won't win, but he will change the election.

I don't know, some of the experts say he'd pull more votes from the dems than the republicans, he may be Hillary's Perot.
I'll go with my usual, " he's a dirty anti-gun liberal". :) I think you guys are just turning me more anti-gov every day...LOL
Hang in their Hardway remember it isn't perfect and it certainly isn't pretty but look at the alternative in other countries. If he picks Hagel as his VP I'll probably waste my vote on them. I think Bloomberg and Hagel will hurt the democratic candidate more than the republicans at least that's what most of the so called experts are saying.
Saw an article in paper last week where the younger group 0f 18-24 year old are paying more attention to You Tube and My Space and seems a lot of them are leaning towards Paul.......strange.

A Bloomberg?hagel ticket would hurt the democratis ticket far more than the republican ticket, since most of those who like Bloomberg/Hagel are on the left to begin with. Neither Bloomberg/Hagel is anywhere near conservative, especially Bloomberg, he mat be left of Obama.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Bloomberg is the most radical anti-gun politician you will ever hear of. Any hunter or gun owner who votes for him (should he run) is doing the rest of us a disservice. I don't see how he we draw off many republican votes, but could do very well with democrats and perhaps independents. Therefore, I hope he runs (not a chance to win though without a major party organization behind him).

Pro and familyman nailed it.
And Forewall said "New Yorkers give him an extremely high approval rating." Well that right there should tell you he is worthless. Get a rope.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,

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