Blood tracking dog with recovery pics

That is great! Awesome dogs. That has got to be really rewarding when you find one.


There is no such thing as a sure thing in trophy mule deer hunting.
I pulled the pics & hell yes I'm proud of the dogs....
I pulled my advertising from this site and rarely visit because the moderators let a$$holes run this site & I see nothing has changed!!!!
Sorry you feel that way, but its impossible for us to read everything the second its posted. I removed the comment once I saw the alert. Its you choice to remove yourself from the site but I hardly think you comment is warranted.

Well huntinco!

Hope you're Tough enough to tollerate my Reply?

I said: Nice Job on the recoveries & I meant it!

Ya,I was being SMART and RAZZIN on the shot Placements!

I Hope that '#####' remark wasn't aimed at me because that'd be the first time I've ever been called that!:D

Looks like to me a Pack of Recovery Dogs would be worth their weight in Gold around here each Fall & you might even make a few Bucks!

You considered looking for 'hanginmeats' 450"+ Bull?

Wisz = Future Recipient of a Phone Call....LMMFAO!
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Missing 450" Bull!
The next 4 years is Slicks Fault,again,GEEZUS!
elkassassin' now youve done it agian, i didnt even get to see the pictures, dam i wanted to see them blood dogies,,,
I didn't see the alert till now, i apologize for not being "johnie on the spot" either, but like Browtine mentioned, it's impossible to see each post as they are put up......we can't sit and moderate 24/7. I have it set up to my cell to see the alerts via my email, but even then there is a lengthly delay.....or i simply don't have my phone with me.
As for gut happens. As a guide myself i have been in plenty of situations like that, chit happens.
I had a hunter hit and lose a solid 390" bull this fall and we lost it. Wasn't a gut shot, but high up under the spine below the hump in his just happens. And for anyone else who knocked your post Justin, they are more than likely being hypocritic........we have ALL lost animals before to bad hits, i don't care who you are!!
Please don't leave, your a good outfitter and have always gave good stories and opinions.

huntinco - I'm sorry. I only read the one post that you sent an ALERT on and it did need to be removed, as the guy was a prick.
You and I have gone through this before. I've explained how it works. Do pricks post on this site, YES!
We DO NOT read the posts before they go live. In fact, it could take us hours (maybe longer) to see an ALERT or a post that should be removed.

The post you sent an ALERT on was posted at 8:56pm last night. browtine removed it and replied to this thread at 10:13pm. 1 hour and 17 minutes! If you can't deal with that response time, then it is best that you not post on the site at all.
I do hate to say that to anyone, but..........

To all - myself and the mods. do the best we can to keep things clean and nice while at the same time not going overboard with our delete fingers. We just do the best that we can. We do rely on you all though to send ALERTS when you see stuff that should be removed. If we see that one user is constantly a prick, we'll deal with them. The fact is, just as it takes all of us to make the forums fun and entertaining, it also takes all of us to police the forums.

Brian Latturner
browtine & slamdunk - you guys are huge help and I thank you. I know you feel bad that huntinco got his feelings hurt, but the response between the ALERT and the time the crappy posts were removed was great.

Brian Latturner
LAST EDITED ON Nov-13-12 AT 11:14AM (MST)[p]>I pulled the pics & hell
>yes I'm proud of the
>I pulled my advertising from this
>site and rarely visit because
>the moderators let a$$holes run
>this site & I see
>nothing has changed!!!!

Justin, don't let one bad apple--or a couple in this case--ruin it for the bunch. This is the exact kind of information that makes a forum worth visiting and you are type of guy that we hope sticks around to contribute.

We would love it if you would reconsider posting the pics and story. I for one have a dog that I am trying to train to do this exact thing and would like to learn more about the process. Bad shots happen, I have made my share...
I would like to see the pics also.....I for one would not hesitate to give a person a call if I had need of some tracking dogs! Its pretty sweet I wish there were more blood tracking dogs around to help people recover their animals
one was a scruffy looking wiener dog standing on a dead deer....the other was a wire haired whiskery bird dog trying to sleep on a dead elk....

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