Blonde Ambitions


Long Time Member
Which one is the best looking? BASED ON NOTHING BUT LOOKS. Not on how bad or good of singer or actress they are or how whacked out one of them was. purely on what they look like today.



Jessica has the best body by far! (oooooh those legs!!)

Brittney is the most "well rounded everything" IMO

Although a very beautiful woman, i have just never been a big fan of the other one....what's her name again? ;-)

Carrie Underwood!

I am and have been for quite awhile now, in love with Miss Carrie!! Total Babe!, all around package!!

C. Sportsman, Say it ain't So! a Vegie? Ohwww darn, that's it! She can find somebody else i'm not available to her any more! lol

Afraid so Joey,
When Her and Jessica were having their spat over Tony Romo Jessica wore a tee shirt and made sure her picture was taken wearing it that said "Real Girls Eat Meat"
My wife was evesdroppin......She say's " Jessica has a funky nose, but is cute. Carrie is just kind of everyday pretty. But pre wacked out prego Brit is definatley the hottest. I gotta side with the old lady, That being said...If I could vote on my own I'd have to say Kellie Pickler with the upgraded options :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I totally concur!!

Did you know she's a Utah native??

Sounds like my gal Jessica is the winner by large.....YES!!!!!!!


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