BLM Rules

Ticks N Tines

Very Active Member
Does anyone know where I can find some regulations for BLM lands? Not sure how the access on these lands works.

Can I park off the side of a highway and jump a BLM fence? Or do I need to find a road that cuts into the BLM before I can start hiking around?

LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-11 AT 07:20AM (MST)[p]That depends on how picky the Highway Department and Police are where you do it. Some don't even care and keep right on driving from what I've seen, but others will issue tickets because of their concerns for safety. BLM rules vary from location to location, so if you have a particular place in mind I would suggest you contact the nearest BLM Office for information on that area.
Thanks TopGun.
So the issue isn't with the BLM land, it's more of a safety issue with UDOT and the highway patrol right?

What if there's an old dirt road off of the main highway with a cattle fence on it, but you know it's public BLM land. Would you feel comfortable opening the fence up, and driving in there to park?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-11 AT 09:05AM (MST)[p]Yep, unless it was signed for no entry through that fence! I'm assuming you're talking about what many call a "gap gate" with a wire around the top and bottom of a movable post holding the section of fence in place. That would be the proper way to go about accessing the land and just make sure it's put back properly, especially to keep domestic animals off the highway that might be in there if you do!
PS: If that's the type of gate it is and you've never used one, they are normally not that hard to open, but can sometimes be tough to close if the fencing is fairly tight. The easiest way is to put the bottom post back in the bottom wire loop and then push with your shoulder against the post right below the top wire strand while using your hands to place the top wire back in place over the post.
Glad to be of help as I've seen some of those that can be hard to close. Please reread my PS that I put in as an edit while you were putting up your post if you didn't see it.
Although I was hunting on Public land and not the BLM. I have parked next to a fence on an obvious pull out spot along a highway and I was at least 20 feet off of the road. When I returned from hunting I had one of them pretty fire orange stickers on my car by the highway patrol to move the vehicle within 24 hours or it gets towed at the owners expense. And then they stuck it on my side view mirror! Talk about a safety issue and the glue on them things really stick too. Kicker was you could see my bow case on the front seat. I always wondered if he was sitting somewhere watching me curse him while trying to get the dang sticker off and laughing his arse off!

Yes, I have played with those stinkin Gap Gates plenty of times. I've spent 10-15 muinutes trying to close some of them before. Pain in the arss!!!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-11 AT 09:24AM (MST)[p]LMAO at that orange sticker he put on your mirror! Hey, if they give you 24 hours instead of a ticket, I would count my blessings! Seriously though, they have full responsibility between the fences and have to maintain control to alleviate the chance of anything bad happening on their watch---sort of a CYA if you will!!! Some might do that, while others might go right on by heading for the donut shop and not stop, LOL!
Hey TOPGUN, I am glad I didn't get a ticket but I was so far off the road I really didn't think it would cause any harm. I sure wish he would have stuck that sticker on my rear window. The glue on them stickers suck.

The post on the gap gates reminds me a of a story my hunting partner told me about with his brother-in-law who he calls Dumb Dumb. Dumb Dumb gets out of the truck and after struggling with the gate a little he gets it open and my partner drives through. My partner stops and takes a moment to look at a map and he said it seemed like forever for Dumb Dumb to get back in the truck. He looks in the rear view mirror in time to see that Dumb Dumb was on the wrong side of the gate and he was frantically trying to get it opened back up to get back on the right side. Ha ha ha The way he told it was priceless, I laughed till I cried.

Just a couple of comments. I am no lawye andI hope no one comes and turns this into a debate but...

Check with your local sheriff. The very concept of BLM having any law enforcement authority AT ALL is contrary to many state laws. In most states that authority rests solely and squarely with the local sheriff. There are lawsuits around the west trying to clarify that.

Secondly GotBowAz said "Although I was hunting on Public land and not the BLM."... "BLM land" is federally administered land. Unless it is closed under a few very specific laws (ie wilderness, military, sentitive lands, cultural lands, threatened and endangered, for example) BLM administered land is open to the public. It belongs to the people of the United States, not BLM. There may be travel restrictions that keep you from driving all over it but on foot... they better have a pretty damn good reason for keeping you out. That said, all "public land" is NOT BLM land, but in reality ALL BLM land is "public".

TOPGUN said (in reference to highway patrol) " they have full responsibility between the fence...". Mmm... if GotBow was on a designated access point ie the "obvious pull out spot..." then I'm not so sure I agree. If it was indeed an access road off the highway to a gate and you were completely off the travel lane as described (over against the fence) I think they'd be on shakey ground having you towed. If it was not a recognized access point and you just drove off the road to the fence then it'd be a different story.
GBA---I can picture that one and that's a hoot! The guy is obviously not ambidextrous and had to use the same shoulder and hand both times, LOL!!!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-11 AT 02:38PM (MST)[p]I don't believe you're correct on that last comment. As far as I know, fenceline to fenceline is public property that they have full authority over for safety reasons. For one thing, what if people pulled off where they wanted to and the exhaust system started a wildfire. I think BLM Rangers have enforcement authority over off-road restictions, camping restrictions, and that type of stuff, but not any game law violations that I'm aware of.
Agreed. I said IF its a road access. That was my caveat. IF. If your just pulling off the road then yes they could, would, and should have jurisdiction.

As for "BLM rangers" there is a huge debate going on west-wide about their authority or lack there of. I am not well versed enough to argue but I know what my local sheriff says. The have very limited authority according to him.
Just a word of Warning!

Be damn careful when pulling off a main road just to park your vehicle!

There was an Oil Field worker here that run over some kind of plant(Weed!)and I don't think him & the Company are out of that one yet!

Typical Government Stuff!

But we can let the Quad Queers do as they please!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Ain't that the truth! I don't believe the BLM Rangers have very much authority either, but I'm not going to push it and spend a fortune trying to find out, LOL!
In most states fenceline to fenceline is technically considered the roads right of way. Just because there is a pullout does not mean you can park there. Even if the fence is 100 feet off the road it is still considered that.
You could call the BLM office in that area to make sure. I've never had a problem parking in the approach and leaving room for a vehicle to get by. I would stay out of the ditch. All state and local laws are different so do some research for that area.
BLM rangers have more authority to enforce federal laws than any Sheriff. It's their job to enforce federal laws.
Thanks for all the replies.
I emailed the local office and got some good info. It looks like the safest way to access these lands is through access roads. Parking on the side of the highway is always risky.
I have some access points, so I should be fine.

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