BLM pushing closure for shooting

When they Out-Law Hunting/Shooting on Public Ground,I will be breakin the Law,You gonna Cuff me Preddy?:D(RAZZIN YA!)

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
It was a quick back track now due to upcoming election, but if Obama becomes a lame duck president, guess how fast it will come back up and he will back it.

I wonder if Slick will still vote for him if He(Obama)won't let Slick Plink on the BLM anymore?

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
It sure would make law breakers out of alot of folks.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Maybe Its time for a revolution these communist a55holes think they can take everything away from us. Fire and Brimstone its coming I know where im going when it all ends for us guys who enjoy hunting fishing and outdoor recreation.
If it passed it seems like a damn good reason to stop paying taxes... Why pay if I can't use it...

One of reasons behind this initial push was the "trash" shooters leave behind on BLM grounds. That may have been a political "cover", but it remains that it is a true statement. For whatever reason, areas used to shoot are filled with all kinds of crap people leave behind, it is pathetic. Last year the UWC did a cleanup of such an area by Utah Lake/Pelican point. Filled the biggest dumpster the BLM could get out there and it hardly put a dent in the mess.

Now I understand there is a new law that will be enforced that makes it illegal to use any "fragmenting" target on BLM land. It will be interesting to see how that rolls.

I'm an avid shooter and plinker so it REALLY bothers me when I see my fellow shooters leave all the trash!
If I didn't shoot and hunt I'd be pushing HARD to shut all public land to shooters because they're so damn trashy!

I shoot on a private range and lots of people use it and the trash problem is just as bad there. It will be closed just because of the trash even though the owner is PRO shooting and hunting. He just can't understand the disrespect for the land.

We did a service project a few months ago and had it totally clean. Now it looks like a bullet riddled trash dump!

Too bad, but it's more than just a few bad apples... it's a whole damn orchard of them!


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