Blacks and ax


Long Time Member
Co-worker here is black. Helluva smart guy it seems, fairly well educated I'd guess given his job title. I notice him and just about every other black person pronounces the word "ASK" to sound like ax. Just listen to any athlete say "ask". Anyone else notice this and have the answer as to why they pronounce it that way?
My AA studies professor in college always said it because he said "it's easier to say than ask...."
Apparently, it's a slang/informal habit called metathesizing. People subconciously rearrange or substitute letters in words to make them easier to say.

i.e. Most people say "foilage" when it's "foliage". "Comftable" to comfortable. "Ol" to oil.

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
Kind of a Lame joke but here it goes .
O.J Simpsons son wanted to borrow his Bentley one day ," Yo ,Pops finna borrow the Bentley ",O.J responded "Youll have to AX Nicole"
I was gonna ax?
But that Splains it!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Uncompadre = western Colorado ebonics

In the Cedars = Colorado/Utah tards, we have Junipers, not Cedars.
thats not fair! everytime you guys bring up *******, i get "axed"
not happening this time, i'm going to edit faster
I just filed a complaint with Founder because this thread is racist and someone who is black with kids might read this. I recommended that Founder ban every single person on this site because if it isn't pumpkin porn it's racism. I for one think it's funny as hell but ain't nobody axing me! If it were my site, I would have a "pumpkin porn forum" and maybe a "funny racist jokes" forum where people of all colors could make fun of each other without Al Sharpton crying foul. I really hope Founder takes my advice and bans everyone though. I bet he won't.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!

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