Black in America?



What's up with all this wah wah stuff on CNN, they're saying black males can't find work, I know of many black men who have jobs that I would never be considered for, Government jobs none the less, and now today they're whining cause 49% of all AIDS case?s are blacks?

I'm so sick of the whining as if its somebody else?s fault!

here's my Q to you MM'ers, " will it get worse if Bahama gets elected?
That's exactly right CS!

The blacks have their own music channel right there with MTV & VH1, plus they have their own back channel on HBO, and who knows what else!

I say we get an "all white" HBO channel and music channel to match and watch them whiners scream that we are racist's!!

........don't even get me started on the southern border racists.
Infact, i'll get back to shooting some on my "Border Patrol" post!! Lol

>What's up with all this wah
>wah stuff on CNN, they're
>saying black males can't find
>work, I know of many
>here's my Q to you MM'ers,
>" will it get worse
>if Bahama gets elected?

Think it will be cause for rioting if he ain't?

>>What's up with all this wah
>>wah stuff on CNN, they're
>>saying black males can't find
>>work, I know of many
>>here's my Q to you MM'ers,
>>" will it get worse
>>if Bahama gets elected?
>Think it will be cause for
>rioting if he ain't?

I have some family members who remember the 60's in S,F their saying the same.....
OK, I'm not making any comment on this topic per se. My feelings on the subject are exactly that. Mine. And I'll keep them to myself.

Now, that being said, I love to find irony and humor in everything in life. If you don't then I think you are taking life too seriously. So here's the irony and humor in this post, not necessarily the situation the post is about.

comepletesportsman said:
"I don't know but the blacks are the ones always bringing up race issues, they should just let it go and it wouldn't be such an issue. "

Is Manny black? Just wondering because he is the one who brought this up.

slamdunk said:
"The blacks have their own music channel right there with MTV & VH1, plus they have their own back channel on HBO, and who knows what else!"

Bastards! Imagine the nerve of them having their own channels. The whiners should have to watch OUR channels cuz it's OK that we have our own. :)

Slam also said:
"I say we get an "all white" HBO channel and music channel to match and watch them whiners scream that we are racist's!!"

Uhhhh, I think that is what we called the 50's, 60's and 70's. :)

I know, I know, but, but , but... Relax, I'm just keeping it light hearted.
There will be rioting if he is or isnt elected. I just dont get that mentality. It is time to take accountability for your own lives and move on!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Just my personal observations over the years. I have known and met many black americans that were hard working about obtaining the american dream. All they asked for was to be treated fairly and equal and they would do the rest to achieve their dreams.
Most of the black americans that cry the race issue and poor me seem to be from one of two camps. They are on the gov. gravey train and expect to be taken care of without applying themselfs, or as I say, "holding their end of the stick up". The other camp is comprised of black americans that exploit the issues and their own people in order to make a personal profit off of it.
The above is found in all races, and I no longer care to listen to the whiners and poor me of any race. I have had my belly full and as long as they sit on their butts, do not look to me for help. They are "Users" and nothing more.

Congress just passed a resolution to apologize for slavery. Yeah, I'm not $hittin you. That will make it all better. Now if we could get that cotton pickin' soon to be president Obama to get rid of affirmative action when elected we'd call it even.
Tageater, THAT is funny.

RELH, good post, I too have known some find black americans, and I have known the types you speak of and your right. You cannot help someone that doesn't want to help themselves.
I also have some very strong feelings on this subject along with many of the others that have expressed their opinions..

One thing I have never understood is why anybody thinks they have the right to destroy property (public & private), loot, riot, hurt and or kill other people because they do not agree with the outcome of a given situation.

I was raised to respect other peoples rights, property, even opinions & beliefs and while I may not agree with them it sure as hell does not give me the right to start rioting.

I guess you could call me pregidious and I would be the first to agree...

I dont give a damn if your black, brown, white, or green for that matter.. If your act like a a$$hole and behave bad than I don't like you and if that makes me pregidious or a racist than I'll be happy to wear the title.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-08 AT 08:44AM (MST)[p]
Between the racist black leaders and the "open borders" we now have with Mexico(lead by the racists in Lulac and ACLU), no one can move on or make progress. They realize that the gravy train will be gone if people actually start taking accountability for themnselves and not blaming all there probs on the white devil. Barack Obama is exactly what we need to make the racial and economic divide larger-not smaller with his Robin Hood system of taxing hard workers and giving to the "sitter on the couch on the front porch all day" types. The hardest thing for these people to do is look in the mirror and see who is really to blame for their strife and self-imposed problems.

>Someday we will have Barak Obama
>day to remember his assassination.

Tell the Secret Service Hello from MM for us when they show up at your door;-)


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