Black-Eye'd Pea's !!


Very Active Member
Hope everyone had a bait of Blackeye's
today. It is Mandatory if you want good
luck in the upcoming year.

If any of you Didn't have Blackeye'd Peas today,
Please don't tell my Mom. She'll be worried for
your Soul.

She has enough to worry about with me.

Liver ... did you have your bait of black eyes?

Dude, I'm still chuckling about the squirrel you & the neighbor kid quartered up!

Still thinking 'bout one of them wiener dogs you got! Wife say's NO! Damnit.

All i've had today was beer, and a sannich.
Black eye peas' taste like dirt and civilized people don't eat them.

I doubt ANYONE I know would know where to buy them.

I am sure they are in the same food section as Okra, Eggplant, Grits, Hominy, Pig's feet, Tripe, Head cheese, most squash and Rhubarb..........cattle feed ....just my opinion.

And before you tell me that I don't know what good food is......I DON'T CARE.....I AIN'T EATIN' NONE OF THE ABOVE, thank you very much! I will just die stupid I guess.
Does Dunginess Crab count Larry?? Had some last night and finished the last one tonight and my New Years is starting off good, I woke up this morning. LOL

I totally, 100% agree w/ya, Nickman!!

"Some people are like slinkys; not really good for anything
but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!"

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