Black Canyon Bound: 23rd year in a row


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-07 AT 09:23PM (MST)[p]It's time for my Brother's and my annual pack down into the Black Canyon of the Gunnison. The weather looks good and we should get into the fish.

We'll be camped just down from the split in the river at the very top of the picture for four days.

cheers, and no broken bones.

Sure miss living in CO to fish blacks.Great time to go down if the rain stays away. Have a good time and take plenty of RS2's(SIZE 20).

I visited that place about 10 years ago and the first thought that came to my mind was imagine 200 years ago riding along out there a horseback on a fur trapping expedition an riding up to that and saying to yourself "How the hell am I around getting this??"

I can't belive you started that tradition when you were
only 12 years old.

But I guess you did........

You're a BA fred.......

Tell Sparkey, and the Mis's I said HI......

LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-07 AT 07:02PM (MST)[p]I just got back. The weather was mostly perfect except for the 60 MPH winds last night. We were able to cross the river to fish the best upstream sections Friday and Saturday. It was a bit of a cold swim...

Fishing was great as usual


I borrowed my Wife's camera which was supposed to have an extra battery in it but it konked out while trying to get pictures of the Ringtail cats that harassed us every night searching for food. Here is the only picture I got that turned out, Chris K, one of our group, got some really good pictures which he is supposed to email to me. I'll post them when I get them.

I got tired of reeling in fish with my spinning gear and I think it is time to become an elitist flyfisher.

2700 vertical in two miles, my legs hurt.

And Larry, I'll be 48 in less then a month.


You know I was kidding.....
Your ageless to me sir..........

Glad to see it sir. Always good stuff.

Fred, the older I get, the more I respect
people that are older than me. And to be quite
honest, I thought we were a little closer in age.

Fred, I depend on you to draw strength from.

And sir, You are a Champion, in that regard.......

I look to you for, not only power, but wisdomly advise.

I don't think I'm the only one here that does such.....

I see those little eyes shining! How cool. Glad you made it back in one piece w/nothing more than sore legs. Looks like some good size fish, too. It got a bit cold this week so I'm glad to hear you weren't frozen out, too.

Kind of looks like a coon in the light huh T-K.
Can I ride my horse down there, it would take two days to get out walking or would that be climbing, LOL
And all you do is fish no big deer or elk.
That's a heck of a hike.
Fishing the river: My Younger Brother and Friend Terry:

In Camp:

Four of us went this year. My younger Brother and two friends that we have known since I was 4 years old. Talk about long lasting friendships.


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