Black (& Blue) Friday


Long Time Member
So I went with my wife last night to Wal Mart at midnight to get a few things for Christmas. We always go together for the day after Thanksgiving sales and then go to breakfast. It's kind of a tradition and a time for us to hang out together. We have never been the die hards that wait for 5 hours in the cold for a Nintendo DS or the ones that spend the night.?? I get razzed from my friends and family all the time about going but I actually don't mind the idiocies that come with it. My question is, how many of the MM faithful went shopping today? Am I one of the only guys out there (with the hunting lifestyle)that goes with their wives?

It's always an adventure!!!
I was out early with the wife as well. First we hit Bass Pro and got a smoking deal on a Leupold 3x9x40 rifle scope for my oldest boys rifle then on to target for a cart full of junk :)
Looks like you two have not learned to let them GO STAND IN LINE at whatever time it is while you do nothing but drink beer and watch ball games on TV.......LOL

I am all for my wife going shopping at 2a.m. and shopping all day. She enjoys going with her mom and sister and they save alot. But you will never catch me shopping on black and blue day.
I always put it off and wait til the 24th to get er done! That way its only the male gender out shopping.
I drove by Staples this morning at about 5:30 and there was a line about 200' long waiting for it to open. They must of had a $20 laptop or something.

My daughter once spent the night in line to get a Nintendo Wii, when it first came out. That was in warm weather Kali though.

Crowded stores, like crowded freeways, gives me the hives.

Yeah Bull, looks like you are one of the few who squats to pee on this site.:D
My wife, sister, and mother in law went at 3:30am. They love it but I cannot think of any worse way to spend the pre-dawn hours.
Well BULL!

You've got more patience than me!:D

What amazes me is alot of people will get in them big long lines waiting to buy that 'sale item' and come to find out the store only had one or two of them to start with,Poor Bastages back in 500th place don't stand a chance!:D

Good you & your Wife enjoy it AWLB,but tell me something,do you enjoy it just to see TARDS acting like idiots?:D

"Sometimes you just gotta watch"!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Line watching is a pasttime. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
What go shopping and ruin a perfectly good chance to go sit in the goose blind and freeze like I think I got frost bite.

I heard no the news last night that many stores are having their "black friday" sales on for a week. So tell me again why I would stand in the lines at 4:00 am?
My wife and daughter went at 11:00 pm thursday night and got home about 3:00 am. I was, of course, sleeping! When the wife woke up yesterday about 10:00 am, her and I left to go finish the shopping and also picked up a new 60 inch LED flatscreen. Holy Crap that TV is awesome! I can't wait for Sunday now. I'm going to sit in my recliner, eat leftover thanksgiving shyt, drink beer and watch football on my bad ass TV! My kids are stoked because the old bigscreen (projection) is going downstairs so they can play video games on it.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
I'm with ya jim. I took my wife out to buy clothes. think we spent quite a bit and I got go play barbie dress up. My wife thinks I'm half gay but I love buying sexy clothes for her. You should see how sexy she looks in those clothes. hooker heels and tight dresses mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
No way would I spend that much time in line. Wife's sister went at 0400 to WalMart only to be told that they had to have a number. Haha.

stinky, what half of you is gay?

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Not me but the wife set out at 10:00 pm the night before. She was gone until 7:00 am and had one thing to show for it. I would rather pay more and avoid the crowds.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-30-10 AT 09:24AM (MST)[p]I went with my fiancee, only because people like to get rude with her and attempt to push her around, she is 100 pounds. I was her body guard! We went to breakfast as well, so it was actually a nice time for us to get a break from the kids, and out of the house.

The shopping part I did not enjoy though. But, aside from that, it was actually not bad.

I rolled over and went back to sleep when my wife left at 3 am. Woke up at 6 am, was at work at 7 am. Bought my 55 inch LED tv at 8 am from my computer screen. Only place I can actually stand shopping in person is Cabelas, Sportsmans etc...
I woke up at 8am and turned on the laptop. Five minutes later I had some cheap Nikons Trailblazers ATB 10x42 on the way for $99 (normally $149) and a new knife for $12 (Normally $45). I applied my $10 off coupon and did in-store pick up to Cabela's. All in all I spend $110 and was able to make it to the table before the pancakes could get cold.

Amazon does awesome free shipping. I may never Christmas shop in a store ever again.

My question is when did CYBER MONDAY start?

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