Black Bear Sitting Next To Me in My Truck


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LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-11 AT 09:14AM (MST)[p]On request from a few guys on the "What Would You Do" posting. Please be kind on the picture it's 21 years ago and I don't recommend doing this...I took my own risk. While Spring bear hunting in Monatan I came across a one year old (40 lb) bear cub with a paw that had been bitten through by another bear. The little guy could only take a few steps and then fall over. Wasn't eating much either as his ribs were starting to show. I waiting around and watched for awhile, but momma bear was long gone. We'll I knew Montana just opened a wildlife rehabilitation center for injured animals, so I packed that little guy up and carried him 2 miles to my truck. I stopped down the road to pick-up my buddy. Honked the horn a couple of times. He replied did I get one. I said yes and he's alive sitting next to me in the truck. He then replied "no $&^&*^& way!" Drove him to the nearest Police Station in Columbia Falls and called the local warden...he was pissed, but I didn't care. He was mad because he was having supper. I still have a picture of that bear sitting next to me in the front seat of my pick-up.

That is amazing, something that will be impossible to ever forget. Little guy didn't try shredding you up on the journey either eh? Crazy
Awesome story.
I bet your eyes were peeled looking for momma bear the whole time.
That is a good story and neat picture.

I had something a little bit similar occur. While deer hunting, a very small elk calf emerged from the brush and walked up to me (My assumption is that it's mother had recently been killed/lost and I was the next thing it saw.). It walked RIGHT UP TO ME. I fed it some grass and even petted it.

It followed me to my truck and I continued to play with it until I finally took a nap. When my partner showed up, he woke me hollering about an elk being outside. I told him, "I know. It's mine".

I told him how it followed me and we BOTH fed it and petted it. It followed us down the 4-WD road until it became large enough for us to "outrun him". I assume the little guy didn't make it another 48 hours (lion? coyote?). I've often wondered what I "should have done"....or what anyone could have done with it.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
It always amazes me how fast the hunter can go from killer to rescuer of wild game,antis have no idea what hunters do for the wildlife they prize.
Thats an Awesome picture! Must have been pretty cool sight havin the little guy sittin on ur front seat. Did you ever hear how he ended up?
I'll have to admit,I've never done anything like that!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-03-11 AT 03:29PM (MST)[p]>NONYAMT---Great post, as truer words were
>never spoken!!!

In certain situations as a hunter its a strange feeling when you suddenly feel compassion for something you set out to kill,I guess thats what makes us "sportsmen".I think I feel a tiny bit of this sensation every time I make a kill,we are not the mindless murderers the antis make us out to be,not even close.I practice a tradition handed down through my fathers family where I take a quiet moment immediately after a kill to thank the animal and God for its life before I begin field dressing and pics,these are probably my most precious outdoor moments.
I appreciated that the cub never made a sound while I was carrying him down the 2 miles to the truck. I think if he would have been bawling the entire way it might have made me reconsider it.

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