Bizzare foods?


Long Time Member
I was watching the show bizarre foods with Andrew Zimmerman and I have to ask you guys are you a bizarre food taster? Or are you afraid of getting out of your comfort zone.

Post some of the foods you have tried and give us a feel of what you thought it tasted like.

for me Ive tried
1 and 2. ostrich, great it actually called the kings meat. Alpaca, great every time I look at my mother in laws alpaca I get hungry. lol

3. Guinea pig, tastes like chicken lol

4. Kangaroo, not so good or didn't care for it.

5. Sheep, gross every time Ive tried it I almost throw it up. Ive only tried it in England and they love it over there. They would rather eat it then eat steak. gross

6. duck, The ones I shoot taste like crap but the ones in england taste awesome and ill eat a duck sandwich every day for lunch.

7. carp, not so bad if you only eat the white meat which is bony. The red meat is horrible and tastes very strong. 90% red meat.

Every time I see a menu that has something on it and I haven't already tried it ill give it a whirl but I'm not sure if I could ever try some of the stuff Andrew Zimmerman has put down..

what have you tried??


Nets are for fish!!
you should try dutch oven lamb, its the only way sheep is edible but its actually ok. id rater a beef steak but i like the greasyness of lamb in the dutch.

weirdest thing i have eaten is rattlesnake. was ok wouldnt be my first choice but wouldnt hesitate a bit to eat one if i needeed
Deer and elk nuts! The famous Rocky Mtn Oysters!!!
Rolled in flour and sauteed in butter, with fresh garlic.
A wonderful horderve!
Bolivia was my 2 year vacation for walking with a partner. Seemed like the locals love the leftovers more than the entrees.

Cow Tongue was lest favorite... just

Chicken foot, in nearly every peanut soup... that was nearly weekly.

Intestines were eaten after being tricked by my companion.

Goat hoof jello


NASTY CHEESE...the kind that makes moldy smell pleasant

Cow Head Soup was gross... looking at the big black pot on the fire filled with orange grease was hard to thank them... again these people all gave me their best... our worst is their best!

THAT IS THE 3rd World's Secret;
"When gringo comes to town. Cook up some $#@&! and tell them it is the best part and most favored and watch them eat it".... (Call it "3rd World PUNK'd!!!")

TO THIS DAY... my wife has hard time giving me anything except the prime cuts. I tell her I had enought of the leftovers for a life time. Until the prime cuts are gone. I will go for leftovers.

For all those Bolivians... I ate it with a smile and thank'd them all kindly. It wasn't polite to not eat everything on your plate. DANG, I got punk'd good! Good thing I lost all the leftovers recipes on the flight home!

camel, tastes like what a horse would i think, emu, giant chicken, RM oysters kinda nutty ha ha, thats about long as i dont know what it is i can eat it.


has anyone seen my kittie
Well, I won't say that I have gone as far as that Zimmer dude, but I have been in some 16 countries and as stated, it is rude not to eat what is served up.

Monkey, HUGE bugs, several kinds of reptiles, fish and birds cooked with guts still in.....stuff I would now only try in a survival situation.

Trust me, you WILL "blow some chunks". Americans aren't designed for some of the odors, much less the taste.

In my world today, I refuse anything that isn't on a regular menu, sold locally in Safeway. McDonalds is about as exotic as I get.

My 88 year old Mother in law, creates some seriously strange entrees'.....she's been on a clam/mussel sauce, kick lately. NASTY!
barbecued Pig eyeball. Outside was rather leathery, it didn't have much taste. It had a similar texture to that candy that is somewhat chewable but with liquid candy on the inside.

Wife wouldn't kiss me for the rest of the day???


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
Hey Weatherspoon,
What were you doing in England? Did you serve a mish there? IF so when and where?

Yeah the english were crazy for their Donner Kababs! Nasty! The chicken ones were much better.

Those Carp are like Stripers. You have to cut the red meat out. Turns mushy and gross when cooked.

I tried Sushi. Several different types in fact. Found most to be good. Never would have thought that I would have tried it but I did.

Goose eggs are a little gamy but decent.

Haggis was good. I think that it is full of exotics.

Never could muster the courage for Black Pudding.

Tried some true Indian too. Curries are tasty but can burn your mouth out. The Fall's are HOT!!
Have tried smoked carp, oysters, frog legs, rattlesnake meat,cow tongue, pigs feet, mountain oysters, calimari, crayfish,termites & ants,grubs, grasshoppers,caviar,sushi,ox tail (in a soup), dog and cat meat,rat, monkey, bull hump- the worst stuff of all was Nuoc Mam-a pungent fish sauce while in Viet Nam! I had a slogan written on my helmet: "The only reason the US is in Viet Nam is to corner the lucrative Nuoc Mam market"...we probably failed at this attempt,though! After all this, I'm pretty much a meat and taters guy when it comes to normal or regular eating habits.
Horse was actually pretty good. Squid (giant) at the Golden Dragon in San Fran tasted like a weathered irrigation boot. Raw fish as long as it is fresh and has lime juice and soy sauce is great. Head cheese is tough to look at not too bad to eat. Blood sausage is a one timer. Suishi is great. Steak tartar is over-rated but edible. Caviar tastes like fish eggs. (lol) Ostrich is okay, kinda tough. Had two college kids over for dinner and asked them about different foods that they had eaten, The Phillipino said that Black Lab was the best dog meat. The Navajo kid said that when they butchered their sheep that they would wrap the "thingy" from the male sheep in bacon and roast it over the fire. That one takes the cake. Wanna know what I hate to eat the most???? Dinty Moore stew and vienna sausages at Elk Camp.!!!!
I bin over to england for work every year for the last 5 or so years. I map underground water and in england I mostly map leaks through dams.

Ive had the black pudding and sometimes its awesome and some times its crap. Its worth a try if you ever get the chance.

I love all kinds of curry and would love to find a good curry cook book so I can make it at home. I did curry in Sri Lanka one time that had some kind of chili or pepper in it. The cook told me Americans cant eat it or its too hot for Americans. well that was it i just had to try it. It was so hot I had to run in the bathroom and wash my mouth out after the first bite. Then about an hour later I rubbed my eye and it got in my eye. Next thing I new I couldn't see and I thought I was going to go blind.

Real Sri Lanka food the food they make you when you visit a locals house is nasty. It smells like they are cooking a turd on the stove. I have to smile and choke it down. I lost 15 lbs the last time I went over their.


Nets are for fish!!
Thats awesome. England is a great place. I've never made it back unfortunately. Never happened across anyone from Sri Lanka but the Indian food was decent. Are you guys coming down Saturday?
forgot i had eel...not the one on here heither..curry isnt a exotic to me, its my favorite chicken tikki masalla, and chiken korma...have you looked online for curry mom has found some and i have an application on my phone that has some recepies i could find for you...When i go into a middle eastern indian resteraunt down in utah, i tell em japanese flag hot.. toilet paper with red in the middle where it burns your a$$...I love anything hot, mexican indian, pakistani curry, sri lankan curry it all tastes good to me.


has anyone seen my kittie
I've eaten Hakarl in Iceland. It is shark that is peed on and buried in the sand until it is rotted to the proper degree. I've eaten whale, ram's testicles, horse, sheep's head, blood sausage, several kinds of caviar, squirrel, groundhog, frogs, rattlesnakes, and lima beans. I don't care for lima beans.
I was once lost in the woods with a super model. I will not disclose her name but I had her for dinner. Make no mistake we had plenty of food on hand. We both came out without a scratch. Maybe one or two on the back.
What I would like to know is how they came up with some of these food. Like I guess I will pee on a shark bury it and then dig it up later to eat, Mental illness maybe LOL
Hang pheasant until they rot off the string then eat them.
I like put a burger on the grill when done take it off and eat it.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I agree......butcher a 1500# steer and then save 10# of guts for the table? I fought that idea since I was old enough to know that tongues, brains, feet, nuts, tripe and tails weren't the best parts of a steer.

I guess it's all about what you can afford, and what the culture you were raised in finds acceptable.

Just because something will "make a turd", doesn't mean you should eat it.

And please, don't give me that line about "you have probably never been hungry".....
Grabbed a wrong coke can at a camping trip once that was full
Of cope chew juice once..... I can still taste it!!!


Was not bizarre for where I grew up in the Midwest in rural farm region but at one time or another we cooked these crawling wild critters: squirrel, raccoon, opossum, rabbit, turtle, muskrat and beaver. Also had lots of flying wild critters: dove, quail, turkey, duck and goose. Raccoon and beaver were quite good when slow-cooked but a little bit of muskrat is plenty.
I ate a woodpecker once while camping as a kid. Tasted like chicken till the aftertaste kicked in. I won't eat another if I can help it....
Damn how'd I miss this thread?? Sounds like some nasty stuff and some don't sound too bad...rude or not I wouldn't eat half the crap the rest of the world eats though!! I'm on a strict Mt. Dew, jerky, steak, taters, and beer diet!!


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