Bivy Hunt

I believe that is just a solo backpack uses a bivy (sleepingbag cover) rather than a full-blown tent.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Bivy is derived from the term bivouac, which essentially refers to a lightweight bag/shelter. The term is used pretty loosely to include lightweight tents/tarps. The idea is that you are hunting off of your back, totally mobile, and self-sufficient.
as stated above! small weather proof sleeping bag cover is called a bivy.
Also known as a Bear burrito! LOL
I will be doing a hunt this month like this with my son. We are going to hike into Reavis Ranch in the Superstition Wilderness this month and will hunt for Coues deer for 5 days which does not include one day in and one day out. This will be my first back pack trip for more than a couple of days and I am really excited about it.

Bear burrito, now that's funny?maybe?NOT! LMBO!!

Bivy is a way of saying you like sleeping with rocks/sticks in your back, you like having bugs and spiders crawl all over you, and you don't mind waking up with weather coming down on you.

light weight ha ha it might be around 2 lbs but you still have to pack a pad.

pick up a clark jungle hammock for just under three lbs and you eliminate all of the above. the clark is the only 4 season hammock. It is not a POS hennesey hammock. It is the real deal.

I have tested them for five years now. I even tested it again this year on the front. The night we started our hunt was the week of thanksgiving. we hit the trail at 1:30 am in a blizzard hiked to 8,000 feet plus and set up camp. Our night time temps were around 8-10 degrees with a 1' of new snow. I slept fine. Always do!


Archery is a year round commitment!!
swbuckmaster, which tent/jungle hammock do you have? I am assuming it's the North American Hammock?? Also, how is it getting in and out of it? It seems like one drawback would be getting out of your boots without dragging it into the tent or stepping on cold wet ground in socks or bare feet. Also, how high do you usually set it off the ground? Is it at your hips or more around your knees?

>pick up a clark jungle hammock
>for just under three lbs
>and you eliminate all of
>the above. the clark is
>the only 4 season hammock.

Some (many) of us sleep on our sides. Ever try to sleep on your side shaped like a banana? Can you say "Chiropractor's dream patient?"


My point - don't assume what works for you will work for everyone. Gear selection is an intensely personal exercise...

Maybe he likes being bent like a bannana :) JK

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
"swbuckmaster, which tent/jungle hammock do you have? I am assuming it's the North American Hammock?? Also, how is it getting in and out of it? It seems like one drawback would be getting out of your boots without dragging it into the tent or stepping on cold wet ground in socks or bare feet. Also, how high do you usually set it off the ground? Is it at your hips or more around your knees?"

I have the newer lighter north american hammock 2lbs 15 oz. The older north american is slightly larger and more comfortabe IMHO but it wont accept the z-liner. The new north american has been updated to accept the new z-liner which I also have. The north american is a 4 season hammock. I have slept in it in november on the front without the z-liner and it worked fine. The new z-liner is a sort of layering system you velcro on in the winter months for added insulation. It is made out of climashield insulation. It is like adding an extra sleeping bag to the bottom of your hammock. I used it this year on the front and the temps dipped into the single digits at night.

As for questions on how high I set it up. you can set it up how ever you want I like to set mine up so I can use it as a chair in the afternoon.

How to keep your boots and water from freezing at night?
I boil my water and put it back in the water bottle. I then put it in my sleeping bag stuff sack with my boots. I then put it in the bottom of my sleeping bag so when I get in it the bag the bag is nice and warm. The boots will dry out a touch and are warmer or not frozen when I put them on in the morning.

I sleep on my side mostly and sometimes on my back. you can adjust how much sag or how little sag you have in the hammock. I garantee you will not have a better night sleep with a "sleeping system you packed in on your own back."

Clark has also just came out with a new hammock called the nx- 150 and the nx-250. These are slightly heaver at 3 lbs 4oz but they are wider flatter and have a lot more room. They are the top of the line real deal hammock. Wish I had one of them

Ill post some pictures of this years hunt when I get a hold of my camera so you can see my setup.

Archery is a year round commitment!!
"Some (many) of us sleep on our sides. Ever try to sleep on your side shaped like a banana? Can you say "Chiropractor's dream patient?"

I sleep on my side and it doesn't bend you into a banna. I was also born with "Spondylolisthesis" It basically means my lower spinal column is 3/4 of the way detached. The doctors wanted to fuse my spinal column over 10 years ago and i said he// no. It would probably put an end to everything I like to do. I deal with back pain everyday of my life. I don't use pain pills or chiropractors.

the Clark is truly a light weight back saver for me!


Archery is a year round commitment!!
Hey swbm,
I would like to see the pics of your hammock setup, please post em when you get a minute.

Success is failure that tried one more time
Swbuckmaster, thank you for the info, this is exactly what I was looking for. Please post your pictures of your set up when you get a chance. I may be running out of time for this hunt as I leave on the 16th and might not be able to get a hammock tent order/delivered in time. I am not looking forward to sleeping on the ground. One question, if your dragging your boots in to your sleeping bag how are you keeping everything clean if you got into mud? You using a plastic bag or something similar? I WILL be using your idea of boiling water and putting it back into your bottle and into the bag. That's a sweet idea, THANKS!

>I sleep on my side and
>it doesn't bend you into
>a banna.

I'd have to see that to believe it! Do you have a picture of the hammock set up with you in it? Unless the hammock has several suspension points along its length (which would make set-up cumbersome), I just can't believe that it doesn't bend like a banana under load. Simple physics, ya' know...

I hate to say this- but its good to know I'm not the only one with Spondylolisthesis-makes life down right miserable at times don't it?
But my question to you is without a tent, what do you do with your gear in nasty weather? Also, what is the packed size of your hammock?
More great questions I didnt think of. Hopefully swbuckmaster will come back on with pictures and some more insight.

sorry guys I am in Florida and my camera is in Utah. I wont be home until the week before Christmas. Maybe I can get my wife to send the photos to me. I just don't have a picture of my new hammock setup with me.

Ill post a photo of my camp from last year instead. It will give you an idea. The nx system is totally different though. That is one setup you have to see to believe.
Sorry if you have already seen these photos before.



The whole tent packs into a ball a touch larger than a volley ball

As for where i put my gear
the hammock has pockets inside and out. It has six large pockets on the bottom for boots, stoves, pots ect It also has one inside for small things like pistol ,wallets, lights, ect. If I unpack my pack this is where all my gear goes.

If you are short like me 5'8 and want the lightest 4 season hammock go with the new north American. Then get the z-liners. If you like to be more comfortable and are taller go with the new nx-150 or nx-250 when I went into Clarks office in SLC the new nx models looked awesome. I however have not tried them.

As for the comment about bananas. you can adjust the tension and pull it tighter if you like. all I can say is you will have to try a Clark hammock and see if you like it. They are different then the rest. If you lived in the Salt Lake City area I would let you borrow mine and see how you liked it before you purchased one. The last thing I want to do is push someone towards something they don't want or cant use.

Someone made a comment about sleeping systems being a very personal choice. They are correct! If I hunted areas where I could hunt with horses i would pack a wall tent and sleep in cots. screw the hammock! If I could use a camper where I hunt I would, they are the shizz in the right application. however I hunt in wilderness areas where horses are not allowed. there are no roads, and the terrain is steep. This system is a tool I use to geter done so to speak.

the only thing I can compare it to on an equal playing field is the bivy sac. they are both about the same weight if you add in the pad for the bivy. they both take up about the same amount of space if you add in the pad. The bivy will set up a touch faster but the hammock can set up in about 5 minutes. Both are for hard core solo back packing hunters. However the hammock will beat the bivy hands down in comfort.


Archery is a year round commitment!!
Sorry it took me so long to get back to this thread. Swbuckmaster, great pictures, it gives me a really good idea of the set up. I live in Arizona but I do appreciate your offer of checking yours out before buying one. That is really awesome of you. Not too many people would do that. I will see how this trip goes on the ground in a Bivy tent so I really have something to compare to. And Broadside_shot thanks for the picture of it inside your pack. Gives me a very good idea how small it packs up. Which tent do you have and how do you like it? If either of you have anymore pictures of your sets ups post them up. I love hunt camp set ups especially the pack in on foot and backpack hunts.


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