'Birdman' Damn Fire!!


Long Time Member
I am very sorry to hear about your loss from that damn fire down your way.

I certainly hope you had time/notice to get as much as you could out of your home and barn.

I do not know what I can offer in help but corrals/pasture for some of your horses or maybe some space in one of my freezer's for that kind of perishables....maybe hold ya a ton of 1st crop hay for when ya get back on your feet this winter??

My Mrs offered to do what she can to help your Mrs. out during this very emotional time...of loss.


So sorry,

R & PL
This pic pretty much shows the dynamics of this horrible tragic.....unbelievable.

That is some scary looking fire.I can't imagine trying to fight that fire.I cringe everytime I travel through Park city Utah on 80 and look at all those homes with so much brush and trees so close to the housing it is a disater waiting to happen.
I hope Birdman knows that no matter how much grief I give him on these Forums that we're all brothers and he and his family are in my prayers! He's had some serious health problems and this surely won't help, but in his PMs back and forth with me he seems to have a fantastic attitude and philosophy on life. God be with him and his family!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-27-12 AT 07:04PM (MST)[p]The place is gone. That is the way it is. Everyone is alive and that is what matters. I have to say that there is nothing that can be done now but cleanup. It was all gone sunday. Bad thing is they tell you everything is ok and the fire missed then Monday morning there is nothing but a pile of ash. Life goes on and there is nothing that can be done. Our family, the kids and all will have a good party cleaning up. This was a small place being 10 acres. Still can not get in to look. It is like this, what happens happens, life goes on. It was not a primary living place but a place to get away. the fences were about done to put animals up there so there was no livestock. I am sure the turkeys are gone. The deer that had fawns are gone. I wonder if the elk with calves were lost. Not many elk but a few. I am sure that there will be lots of habitat replacment. I know that I am crazy but I look at things like nothing can be done now so do not cry. Thanks to all for the thoughts. We well servive and rebuild in time. 46 thousand acres and growing. Colorado is much worse.
You are a man of tremendous faith and no matter what our differences are on this one issue that we hassle each other on I wish you well my brother!!!
Sorry to hear of the loss Birdman. Gotta keep our heads up though and it seems you have a good attitude.

Sounds like our ranch was in the same fire as Birdman's place. Don't know just what is left as of now, but it is what it is.... I have some photos that I might post up if I get a minute. The deer and elk running in circles wondering where to go and fawns getting caught in net fences. We got the cows out on Monday morning after the fire burned more than half the place and then it all started over again. Neighbor took a photo of an elk herd bedded in the ash amongst the cedar skeletons. Our ranch has burned Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and today. I wish it would just finish the job or leave, this whole BS of dragging it out for days is getting old.

Colorado sure looks like a mess.

Sorry for your loss Birdman, If there is anything we can do to help let us know.
pm sent
Sorry to hear this Birdman and also PackOut.

Not sure what good can come out of a disaster like this but will think good thoughts for you, your family and the property.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-27-12 AT 11:19PM (MST)[p]>....there is no money in putting
>them out...

ha, my brother has fought fires for years and says the same thing.
Packout and Birdman, sorry for your loss,But as long as no-one was hurt or killed you are doing good, rebuilding will take time and money but that is part of the life you lead.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Sorry for your losses. My uncles house was lost in the same fire. Such a disaster. Sad thing is that all of the west is dry and its June. If it doesn't start raining....there will be alot more sadness.
So sorry to hear of the losses of Birdman and Packout!

It really is a tough thing to go through and so many are hurting right now around the whole west.
Damn fire doesn't discriminate, it takes it all.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

PS: While we all have our differences this thread shows why I'm friends with even those with whom I argue. Topgun summed it up, "we are all brothers in the outdoors"!
Sorry to read you are in the fire zone 'packout'.

That fire is so very overwhelming.

Anything I can do Mike, let me know.

which fire is this?

sorry to hear your guys' losses. hopefully it gets some good rehab witht he burn and improves habitat. maybe it will make your loss at least some aspect of positve from the fire but its tragic, as good as most wildfires are for the habitat, you never wanna see homes lost.
Talked to a buddy on the job today about him drawing his cow elk tag and he said he would have no place to stay as his cabin has burnt down up there by your guys.

He said it is so difficult to find an insurance company to offer reasonable priced fire insurance, that he did not have any on his cabin.

How very sad to hear that.


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