Bird Dogs



My son HuntingJLC asked me if I would post this for him.He has a 2yr.old and 4month old germanshort dogs that he is wondering if anyone would want?Both are females.He said he just doesnt have the time to work with them.This is in Sevier County.If interested,you can PM me.Thanks(ROD)
PM BIGFLY, I think he runs a pheasant club in your neck of the woods. My kennel is full, 2 shorthairs and a wirehair.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Roost....sent you a PM


Both of the dogs are beautiful. They travel well and get along with the old lady pictured below. I truley appreciate your gesture of leaving me your pups. You were right when you said Eva was a jumper. She likes using the couch as a hurdle. It's quite funny. And Piper....she's a little sneaky girl. She waits until Dottie steps out of her kennel to lay on the beanbag and then Piper sneaks in and eats all of the dog food. I'll get a picture of the three of them to send. I hope your little one is okay. Tell her 'Thank You' for me.



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