The wilderness guide law has nothing to do with access, technically.
Every NR is still entitled to enter, camp, fish, hunt game birds, even predators, but they just cant hunt big or trophy game in them.
The USFS will likely not take action since its a state law pertaining to big and trophy game.
I think what the SA is getting at is to improve access to landlocked pieces, gaining legal easements, etc. as most wilderness areas have numerous access points.
I believe that the reason we are so complacent is a couple/few fold:
1. Most people are not willing to risk anything or put themselves out there to really stand up for wildlife and hunting. They just don't have the stomach, balls, fortitude, whatever you want to call it, to really get aggressive about management, access, etc. They wont challenge the legislature, GF Agencies, Commission, etc. who are supposed to be working for those that put them in office.
2. Most people are pretty darn content with the massive amount of opportunity that we already have. They don't recognize how much better it could be, and frankly, aren't going to put the effort in to making things even better.
3. General apathy, they just don't want to be bothered with anything more than buying a license once a year. They have every excuse under the sun why they cant attend meetings, cant write letters, make phone calls, etc. etc. etc.
These items make it very easy for those that show up to get their way, largely unopposed.
Show up and be heard, or you get flattened...just the way it works. Most people prefer to be road-pizza.