Bio fuel = Starvation


Long Time Member
I predicted this a long time ago.
Bio fuels are a joke and a money grab. The elitest that tout bio fuels as the answer could care less who starves.
Stop the Global Warming LIE!!!

Global warming rage lets global hunger grow

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
Last Updated: 1:06pm BST 15/04/2008

We drive, they starve. The mass diversion of the North American grain harvest into ethanol plants for fuel is reaching its political and moral limits.

A demonstrator eats grass in front of a U.N. peackeeping soldier in Port-au-Prince
A demonstrator eats grass in front of a U.N. peacekeeping soldier during a protest against the high cost of living in Port-au-Prince

"The reality is that people are dying already," said Jacques Diouf, of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). "Naturally people won't be sitting dying of starvation, they will react," he said.

The UN says it takes 232kg of corn to fill a 50-litre car tank with ethanol. That is enough to feed a child for a year. Last week, the UN predicted "massacres" unless the biofuel policy is halted.

We are all part of this drama whether we fill up with petrol or ethanol. The substitution effect across global markets makes the two morally identical.

Mr Diouf says world grain stocks have fallen to a quarter-century low of 5m tonnes, rations for eight to 12 weeks. America - the world's food superpower - will divert 18pc of its grain output for ethanol this year, chiefly to break dependency on oil imports. It has a 45pc biofuel target for corn by 2015.

Argentina, Canada, and Eastern Europe are joining the race.

The EU has targeted a 5.75pc biofuel share by 2010, though that may change. Europe's farm ministers are to debate a measure this week ensuring "absolute priority" for food output.

"The world food situation is very serious: we have seen riots in Egypt, Cameroon, Haiti and Burkina Faso," said Mr Diouf. "There is a risk that this unrest will spread in countries where 50pc to 60pc of income goes to food," he said.

Haiti's government fell over the weekend following rice and bean riots. Five died.

The global food bill has risen 57pc in the last year. Soaring freight rates make it worse. The cost of food "on the table" has jumped by 74pc in poor countries that rely on imports, according to the FAO.

Roughly 100m people are tipping over the survival line. The import ratio for grains is: Eritrea (88pc), Sierra Leone (85pc), Niger (81pc), Liberia (75pc), Botswana (72pc), Haiti (67pc), and Bangladesh (65pc).

This Malthusian crunch has been building for a long time. We are adding 73m mouths a year. The global population will grow from 6.5bn to 9.5bn before peaking near mid-century.

Asia's bourgeoisie is switching to an animal-based diet. If they follow the Japanese, protein-intake will rise by nine times. It takes 8.3 grams of corn feed to produce a 1g of beef, or 3.1g for pork.

China's meat demand has risen to 50kg per capita from 20kg in 1980, but this has been gradual. The FAO insists that this dietary shift is "not the cause of the sudden food price spike that began in 2005".

Hedge funds played their part in the violent rise in spot prices early this year. To that extent they can be held responsible for the death of African and Asian children. Tougher margin rules on the commodity exchanges might have stopped the racket. Capitalism must police itself, or be policed.

Even so, the funds closed their killer "long" trades in early March, causing a brief 20pc mini-crash in grains. The speculators are now neutral on the COMEX casino in New York.
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What about the California state retirement fund (Calpers), the Norwegian Petroleum fund, the Dutch pension giants, et al, pushing a wall of money into the $200bn commodity index funds?

They have undoubtedly bid up the futures contracts, but the FAO says this has no durable effect on food prices. These index funds never take delivery of grains. All they do is distort the shape of the maturities curve years ahead, allowing farmers to lock in eye-watering prices. That should cause more planting.

Is there any more land? Yes, in Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan, where acreage planted has fallen 12pc since Soviet days. Existing grain yields are 2.4 tonnes per hectare in Ukraine, 1.8 in Russia, and 1.11 in Kazakhstan, com-pared with 6.39 in the US. Investment would do wonders here. But the structure is chaotic.

Brazil has the world's biggest reserves of "potential arable land" with 483m hectares (it currently cultivates 67m), and Colombia has 62m - both offering biannual harvests.

The catch is obvious. "The idea that you cut down rainforest to actually grow biofuels seems profoundly stupid," said Professor John Beddington, Britain's chief scientific adviser.

Goldman Sachs says the cost of ethanol from corn is $81 a barrel (oil equivalent), with wheat at $145 and soybeans $232. It is built on subsidy.

New technology may open the way for the use of non-edible grain stalks to make ethanol, but for now the only biofuel crop that genuinely pays its way is sugar cane ($35). Sugar is carbohydrate: ideal for fuel. Grains contain proteins made of nitrogen: useless for fuel, but vital for people.

Whatever the arguments, politics is intruding. Food export controls have been imposed by Russia, China, India, Vietnam, Argentina, and Serbia. We are disturbingly close to a chain reaction that could shatter our assumptions about food security.

The Philippines - a country with ample foreign reserves of $36bn (Britain has $27bn) - last week had to enlist its embassies to hunt for grain supplies after China withheld shipments. Washington stepped in, pledging "absolutely" to cover Philippine grain needs. A new Cold War is taking shape, around energy and food.

The world intelligentsia has been asleep at the wheel. While we rage over global warming, global hunger has swept in under the radar screen.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Ethanol takes such a small percent of the corn grown in the U.S. and lots of the by product are still used as feed for livestock. What you should be concerned with is that the price of fuel to haul all that food is the real culpit in the escalating price of food. The united states citizens have enjoyed cheap and reliable food supply due to government programs to keep the farmer on the land as a servant to the country.
Have you ever bother to see what percent of the price of a loaf of bread actually goes to the farmer. I will give you a clue .... Less than the cost of the labor to produce that loaf of bread. Pass the butter.
"What you should be concerned with is that the price of fuel to haul all that food is the real culpit in the escalating price of food. "

Yes I agree; however ethanol is NOT THE ANSWER!!!!

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)

Do you consider 27% of any crop going to make ethanol as a "small percentage"? Aslo corn and corn by products are used for so much more then just making food.

As for animal feed that has not yet proven to be adequate in many areas of the country because of the cost of moving the waste product to the cattle, chickens or hogs.

I grew up on a farm, my inlaws still farm, my brother in laws all three farm and I tell them the same thing as I would tell you: I am happy you are making money and hope it continues but please don't cry poor mouth when you have record prices for your crops and just spend $325,000 on a new combine to avoid taxes.

The fact remain that ethanol is bad: for the environment, for the economy, for the land and wildlife. In addition it is doint absolutely nothing to replace oil consumption.

The days of cheap food are over get used to it. the cost of production has gone up so much the farmer even with the petty subsidy the government gives can no longer afford to produce for nothing.

As always there's no food shortage there's a money shortage. the price has changed but the situation has not.

Cut ethanol production out 100% and food will still be more expensive, an 8% reduction in corn acres this year is proof of that. if corn for ethanol was where all the money was at do you think farmers would be cutting their acres? give me a break.

I agree with what you are saying but if you think the world hates us over the Iraq war, watch and see how much more they will hate us when they are hungry and we are converting food to fuel.

I also don't recall anyone saying that all the money in Agriculture was in corn.

I wish we were as important to the world food supply as you think we are, if that was so I'd be assured of making big money for years to come. in reality South America, Australia and China are becoming the bread basket of the world. true we're still a big player but we can't compete with our high inputs and frieght. if the dollar ever gains back it's world value we're sunk in the world market and we'll need a use for the over production or all you guys will be crying about subsidies again.

My point with the corn acre reduction is if biofuel was the reason behind higher commodity prices why are corn acres being cut? a farmer will plant what he gets the best return on and biofuel doesn't appear to be running the show as yo imply.

Nobody with money is going to go hungry, and those without money were starving when wheat was $3 a bushel. nothing has changed.
I should have said a small percent of what we are capable of producing as It is later stated we are reducing our corn acres this year and that doesn't factor in the late start we have this year its gonna get worse. Livestock producers are still getting thier calves killed as they can't get a 20 dollar minimum bid.

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