
SO what do you think? Billy or Nanny

Here is another Picture.. And if it is a Billy or Nanny why do you think so thanks

The horns are skinny like a nanny. However, the body appears to be exceptionally large next to the hunter. I'll say billy...
Congrats way to be. I will say it is very much white with black horns and looks dead. If you really want to know if it is a nanny or a billy. Look at its belly then if it has a pecker it is a Billy.

That's a billy. Look at the gland pads on the back of the horns. Also, those horns have quite a bit of "hook" to them for a nanny, though I've seen nannies with good curve before. The face isn't that long, like a horse, so I'm guessing he isn't all that old of a billy. NICE GOAT!
Horn shape and mass, but the gland is the dead giveaway. I'd say 9.75" with 5.5" bases and 5.5 years old, nice goat.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-22-07 AT 11:27AM (MST)[p]NANNY (I think)
Thin horned,sharp curve near end of horn, NO stained rump.
How about a straight on view.
I am saying its a Nanny 10"X10" almost 5" basses it was killed on Willard Peak by a non resident that was lucky to draw the tag this year
Thats why I posted the picture I have never seen such glands on a Nanny. but if you look close I am sure that there is you know the woman part or is it ????

Clynt L Citte
Willard Utah
Nannies have glands too. The nannies' gland is smaller than a billies', but is there none-the-less. I'd wager that is a nanny, but billies have a patch of skin under the tail that when relaxed could look like something different. Yeah, I have to skin goats every year, not just some bugger looking....

A few years ago my wife had a goat tag and when I talked with the biologist he said that anywhere between 20-60% of the goats killed are nannies. It can be hard to tell the difference. The world record was a nanny and she held that spot for many years.

Either you all can enlarge that picture, or you have way better eyes than me. I've shot a couple goats, a billy and a nanny, and I'll be damned if I can see that picture well enough to know exactly what that anatomical part if, anymore than we can acertain the size of the glands. It looks just as much like the goat's rectum to me, as it does female parts. Perhaps a better picture would make things more clear.

Better yet, why doesn't the starter of this thread tell us what hte goat was.
Based on the first picture alone I vote NANNY with a long nose, Barbara Strisand type ? Seems like the sent glands around the horns should be more visable, thin horns very vertical, back hump maybe small, tough picture angle - Larry
So why do you ask? Did some one shoot the wrong sex? It looks like opening morning on the late nanny hunt up on Ben Lomin. A lot of the horns on nanny's are shaped like billy's up there. The width looks like it's about the same as the eye so it could be a young billy or a older nanny. Because of the horn shape on Ben Lomin it's real hard to tell. On that foggy opening day it was even harder than usual to tell.
I was glassing for extended archery bucks a couple days ago. Man them goats are right down in you back yard already! Truly amazing, and how lucky we are to have em so close.
I actually passed up that goat because I was unsure of what it was. I was glassing the goats with the guy that shot it. His partner kept saying that he thought it was a billy.

The fog was starting to come in along with the snow. The Non Resident that had the tag started heading off the top down towards the goat.

I thought he was nuts! I lost track of them because of the weather, but I heard them shoot shortly after we seperated.

The goat was basically laying down by itself, but there was two other adult goats in the vacinity. I wasn't sold either way on what it was.

It can be really tough to tell. A lot of stress on ya. First thing I did on my goat was lift the hind leg up on it and I was sure of what it was.

I was surprized at how big the glands were on my Nanny. The curvature (not a good indicator)of the horns never came into play because I still think the horns curve a little more like a billy.

So Clynt, Have you been in touch with these guys. I'd like to here the rest of the story?
Definitely a nanny, bases not big enough to be billy no matter horn curveture. Eye in photo of question is somewhat closed making horn bases look a bit larger compared to eye. horns looked hooked to me, no question its a nanny. Nannies do have glands, just smaller. Billies are very obvious even at distance from a good angle of course. That's why you have to be close for the shot.

Here is a pic of my goat from same unit two days later. Even though I was sure it was a nanny when I shot, until I got up close I had to check physical parts just to relieve my nerves. Young goat, two years old. I watched my goat for over two hours before I decided to shoot, and to make sure baby kids didn't belong to her, didn't want to shoot a wet nanny.


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